tae trynna make you feel happy

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"Hey.Yes.You" tae replied.
"What happened?" Tae once again replied.
Now it's your turn to say what happened to you.
"Don't be sad or feel like suicidal or what so ever. I love you and when I said that I love you means I love you.Yes nobody can say to you that you're ugly,fat etc. I love you ok?
Now say that you love yourself. Say it.Yes say it now. See now you feel a little bit happier. Fyi don't say nobody loves you. Bc I do. Yes. I do.
Now. Say it in front of a mirror and say I love you. Say positive stuff and not negative stuff. Try saying something like, you're pretty,you're the best etc. I just don't want you to feel bad about yourself. Say thank you afterwards. Say I love you too. Say I am grateful for who I am now. Say it. Good job! 👑 Here's a crown for you. If you haven't say it yet. Go now and say it idc now go and say it. Remind that to yourself every day. Say to yourself I can do it. Say to yourself that I am grateful for what I am now. Nobody could change the way you are.Nobody. if someone say that you're ugly say the stuff I ask for you to say it to yourself. Wtv it is, be patient,be humble and be strong ❤️ never say that you wish that you are that girl/boy. You are what you are. Be grateful. Be happy. How I wish I could hug you ❤️✨🧬.Don't say that you are useless. You are not useless. You are what you are. Remember that.Now take my advice and do it to yourself. Not to others but yourself. If you saw anyone that is heartbroken or what so ever,say this things I said to you to them.But say it to yourself first ❤️✨👑"
"Your welcome."
Now you listen to what he said? Now go and do it. Yes now. Ok now byeeee👑✨🌸❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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