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A bridge was built on that broad River. The Engineer who built that bridge made a plan for easy travelling of boats and steamers.

When steamers and boats arrive the leverman of that bridge stirred the lever with all his strength so that the bridge is divided into two equal parts from middle causing boats and steamers to travel without any trouble. Sometimes a train used to come on that bridge
At that time the leverman stirred the lever in reverse with all his strength making the bridge use as a railway track. After stirring the lever he sat on the handle of the lever to make sure that bridge doesn't part so that the train can cross the bridge

One day it was evening. It was time for train to arive. Leverman brought the bridge opposite to river. He stirred the lever and sat on the handle. If he didn't sit on the lever, due to the speed of the train the lever may move parting the bridge resulting the train to fall in the river.
To save the passengers he can't move from the lever. Train was coming near and nearer to the bridge

Out of the blue, 4 years old son of leverman was walking on the bridge asking" Dad! Where are you? ". Hearing his son's voice his heart stopped beating. He started screaming like crazy
" Son, Go, Run from there, Train is arriving, Run!!!!!! "

But he knew that his son can't run. He can leave the lever and run to save his child. But if he left the lever, the train will fall in the river and passengers will die.
He took the decision in a moment. Train has crossed the bridge. Neither the train drivers nor the passengers knew that a little boy has been crushed and ripped into peices and thrown into the river. They didn't know about the leverman who was sitting on the lever as a crying mess. Being tired he arrived home and explained everything to his wife.

If you can understand the feeling of this leverman, you can understand our heavenly Father who sent his only son to this world. To cover the distance between us and father, Son became the bridge. When he died earth quaked. Darkness took over the heaven.
We are ungrateful ones if we don't realize his kindness and if we won't accept him. Aren't we?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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