why are you so cold to me?

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song recommendation:
amnesia - 5 seconds of summer

for the nth time, i sighed as i look at myself in the mirror. i wiped my sweat, the song finally coming to an end. no matter how much i tried to distract myself from the thought, it slowly eats me up instead.

why do i feel so lonely? why do i feel like my heart is shattering as time passes by?

i gripped my hair in frustration, i really can't handle this anymore. not having any second thoughts, i rushed out of our dance practice room as i looked for him. haruto watanabe.

"where are you..." i asked myself, looking around the yg building as if i misplaced something. going back and forth in the elevator, i never expected to see him there.

as the elevator doors opened in the 3rd floor, i saw him. his hood was covering his dark black hair, and his black mask was covering half of his face. haruto was on his phone as he looked up at me, making my heart strangely beat so fast that i couldn't keep up.

setting aside my rapid heartbeat, i entered the elevator and his brown orbs are avoiding mine. i stood beside him with a little space enough to fit one more person.

i have nothing to lose. tin, it's better to just say it.

"ruto." i started, biting my lips right after i said his name. he remained silent, just like every time. in all honesty, i wasn't used to this silence with him. ever since i entered this industry, he was the only person who really understood me.

he radiated such comfort that i considered him as my person. as much as i wanted to cry sometimes, it was like he has some magical powers, making me laugh instantly when he tries to cheer me up.

but suddenly, it felt like every thing changed between the two of us. every time i text him, he would just read my messages and not even once did he reply to me. whenever i walk pass him on the halls, he would turn to the other side just to purposely ignore my presence.

it hurts. he was my best friend. how could he just suddenly ignore me like i was just some stranger? i was going crazy at the thought that i've done something wrong that i was starting to get mad.

i huffed in disbelief due to his lack of reaction. "why are you like this, ruto-ssi?! w-why won't you talk to me? have i done something wrong for you to act like that, huh?! because if i did, you should just tell me! i'm going insane!" i didn't even notice the tears falling out of my eyes as he turned his gaze at me.

i could see the shock and concern in his eyes because that was always his reaction whenever i cry in front of him. he blinked rapidly but still, he didn't say anything. not even a word.

"ruto, why are you so cold to me?" i whispered quietly but enough for him to hear me. i let the tears fall, i felt like i lost the only person in my life that truly understands me.

just in time that i wanted to leave, the elevator dinged, signaling that it reached the first floor. as the doors were about to open, i felt a harsh grip on my right arm as haruto pressed the close button. he then pressed the highest floor and to say that i was confused would be an understatement. i was still feeling mixed emotions as he pulled me against his broad chest.

"you're so dense sometimes, huh?" haruto whispered right next to my ear, butterflies unknowingly flying in my stomach. "w-what do you mean? i get it." i removed myself from his embrace, "you hate me because well... i'm me. i'm a boring friend and full of problems. that's what you wanted to say all along, right?!" i then tried to remove his strong hold on my arm, but i couldn't do it. i'm weak.

"I'M TOO WEAK! that's it! now could you leave me alon-"

"tin, i like you!" he cut me off with a statement that even i couldn't believe would happen.

what? i was pretty sure i misheard because... there's no way.

"god." he whispered, finally removing his touch from my aching arm. he ruffled his hair, closing his eyes as if he couldn't believe he said it.

i was shocked but i swore i could feel my cheeks reddening at what haruto said. "i-is it true?" i asked him, looking at haruto as he nodded slowly.

oh. that took a turn.

"i avoided you because i couldn't do it. i couldn't tell you what i was feeling because i'm a coward." he softly said, his eyes staring right through my soul.

he wasn't just my friend. he was my person, my soulmate.

"yeah, you are." i giggled, "but you're my coward. a coward who apparently has a crush on me." i pulled his face into mine as i softly pecked his cheeks. he smiled shyly as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"i didn't want to lose you, tin. ever." he replied with him pecking my forehead.

we both laughed at the situation we're in. who knows, maybe this will work.

haruto watanabe, you're a piece of work.


a/n: my first story !! i do hope you reach this note because i know it's long for a one shot but i tried! please support my story by loving ruto with all you got! see you next time! <3

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