Part 4 Pink Quartz*

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Cem stopped abruptly and picked up the stone that rolled to his feet. Behind him followed his sister Ezra and his cousin Kerem. "Abi (brother);" exclaimed Ezra who stumbled upon him. "What's the matter with you standing like that?"
"What is this;" Kerem asked, pointing to the stone.
Cem looked at the stone and then at the girl who was lying on her knees in front of him. She looked at him in surprise, almost motionless like a statue.

"Bu senin mi?? (Is it yours?) He asked her.
"Ah ... Bu ben Türkçe konuşmuyorum .. (I don't t speak Turkish ..)" she answered timidly.
"Is it yours?" Cem asked this time in English, pointing to the stone in his palm.
Amy got up mechanically and approached him.
"Yes. It is an energy stone, it helps with stress," she explained. The embarrassment made her chatter unnecessarily.

"I think we need something like that too. If it really helps with stress," Kerem said.
"It really helps I have read on the internet about energy stones" Ezra commented and gave a big smile to Amy who was staring at Cem. "Ehm .." (he shook his hand in front of her face and Emy opened and closed her eyes puzzled) "So will you take it or will I keep it as a souvenir?" He joked and gave his Best smile to her.

Amy admired the cute dimples on his face and unconsciously smiled broadly.
"Yes .. Of course" She reached out to pick up the stone. As soon as their hands touched Amy, felt an electric current pass through her. She stepped back sharply holding the stone tightly in her hands.
"Thank you," It's all she could say.
"Fine, time to go," Kerem said
tapping his cousin on the shoulder. "Good luck" he wished to Emmy and together with Cem and Ezra went out. Amy saw them leave and immediately entered the elevator mechanically. She looked at the buttons trying to remember where she was going. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. "A .. Yes .." she said, opening her eyes sharply. "Yusuf .. On the 6th floor" she murmured and pressed the 6th button.
********** ***********************
"Dude, you just kill her" Kerem said, laughing as soon as they left the company.
"I don't understand what you mean;" "Come now, didn't you see how she looked at you? She almost stumbled. How did you do this ? I don't understand,I am also rich, single and beautiful ..."
Cem just smiled wickedly.
"Oh cousin, I'm unique" he said confidently and took the sunglasses out of his shirt pocket and wore them in style.
They arrived at the parking lot and headed to their cars.
"I liked her, she's very sweet girl," Ezra commented.
"Except she's not Cem's type " Kerem commented as he opened the car door.
"Oh, yes I forgot, my brother prefers ... how to say it ... women with {fiery temperament}." Ezra laughed. Cem looked at her annoyed and Kerem got into the car laughing out loud. He closed the door and lowered the glass. swallowing a laugh, he added.

"I would love to stay to see where this conversation goes but I have to go to the bank. We'll talk." He switch on the car and said goodbye with a nod of his hand. Ezra went to open the door of her car.
"We 'll go with mine" her brother stopped her.
"Tamam," she replied, and they proceeded to Cem's car.
"Apostolo are you syre? Maybe the lawyer means your mother" Yusuf asked.
Apostolos and Amy had already informed him about the meeting with the lawyer.
"But my mother is dead."
"Your Mother and Amy had the same name and maybe Ibrahim was confused .. I mean .. your Mother was my father's weakness.. He knew her since he was a child. he only met Amy two or three times and even recently." (he got up from his chair leaving the office desk and sat on the couch where Apostolos and Emy were sitting). "As far as I know, he made his will a long time ago." He sighed confused.

"Mr. Yusuf, I am just as confused as you. I can't understand how a man who knew me in so short time included me in his will?" Amy agreed.

"The truth is that he liked you from the first moment. When we came back he kept talking about you. About your job, your skills. How timid and refined you are," Yusuf admitted.
"I liked him too."
"Anyway, my girl, our questions will be answered tomorrow morning." *********************************** One of the most important fashion magazines, "Guzel" was going to use some pieces from Onur's latest jewelry line. Ezra and Cem met with the people  in charge of photography at the magazine's offices. Dilek Sartini was waiting for them there.
Dilek was born from a Turkish mother and an Italian father. She was born and raised in Rome and recently moved to Istanbul as a representative of the "Silvery" company, the president of which was also a shareholder in the" Bosphorus Treasure". Dilek was a cleverly elegant woman, commonly a sex bomb. A flirtation had developed between Cem and Dilek. They had date several times for food and drink. They didn't hide their interest in each other but they put their professional cooperation above all and so they did not proceed to anything more.

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