Chapter 3

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B: Hey.

B: Hi.

B: Hello.

B: Good evening.

Jughead raised a brow at his screen as it lit up multiple times, closing his laptop and setting it aside.

B: Fuck, those all sent.

B: I'm not being crazy, I didn't know which one to send. I was brainstorming and somehow sent them instead of deleting them.

B: I'm sorry, can I restart?

B: Hi.

B: No.

B: Jesus Christ, I'm probably blowing up your phone. I really am sorry, I hope you're not doing something important.

B: Let me try one more time.

B: Hey.

He laughed at the multitude of texts on his screen, opening his phone and going to the messages app.

J: Good evening?

J: Are we going back to the 50s?

B: People still say good evening. Plenty of people say good evening.

J: Okay, whatever you say.

He could almost see her eye roll.

B: You know, I'm starting to think that you're mean.

J: Oh, now I'm mean?

J: First it was drummer boy, then every guy ever and now I'm mean.

B: Yep. Now you're in the mean guy category.

J: Can we change the name? I need something with pizazz.

B: You, a grown man, looked at that text which included pizzazz and said "Yes, this is the peak of my vocabulary. I must share this word with whom I am texting at this very moment."

J: Not exactly the words that went through my mind, but yeah. Close enough.

B: You're a dork.

J: I'm not the one who wrote a whole paragraph about it.

B: >:(

J: You are stuck in a whole different decade and it's becoming one my favorite things about you.

B: I need an explanation on how I'm stuck in a different generation.

J: All of your clothes are reruns from, like, Kohl's and it's cute, really. You pull them off, I never fucking could. I'd look like a dork walking out of my house. You, you make it cute, stylish, picture-worthy.

B: Picture worthy?

J: The worthiest.

B: Again, you are a dork.

J: If I was with you right now, I would totally bow.

B: I'm lying down in bed, how are you supposed to bow?

J: You get out of bed and bow. For a person who teaches the beginning of our next generation, you do like to play dumb.

B: That was not playing dumb, I just think getting out of bed to bow is pointless.

J: So what do you think I should do instead of bow?

B: I don't know, do that smirk thing you always do.

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