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Her eyes squinted at the bright light, her ears hearing someone repeatedly saying her name. She tried to say something, to stop them from saying her name again and again, but only a groan left her mouth, her throat raspy and paining.

Her eyes took their time to adjust to the light and a face appeared in front of her.

"Caleb?" She whispered.

He smiled, thankful that she was not dead. Otherwise, he would have killed him, best friend or not. 

"Hey, Mills. How are you feeling?" He asked as he helped her sit up on the bed.

Her eyes scanned the room. The paint was a pastel blue, somewhat soothing her. The bed was soft,  and there a wardrobe in the corner of the room, with a full mirror beside it. There was a door, which she assumed connected to the bathroom. There was a window still, cool air coming from there. Millie cuddled deeper into her blanket. It was dark outside, she noticed. Looking around, the room was extremely unfamiliar.

"Where am I?" She questioned.

Caleb looked guilty, and he avoided looking at her.

"Caleb, where am I? Where's Kai? Did something happen to him?"

Caleb's eyes widened, "No, no! Kai is alright. He's sleeping right now. You've been unconscious for almost six hours. It's one a.m. right now."

Millie sighed a breath of relief, "But where are we?" 

Caleb ignored her question and instead asked, "What do you remember last?"

Millie frowned, thinking hard, trying to jog her memory. Her mind was unfocused, too many memories going together at once. The meadow, eating sushi with Mary, crying at the grave, cheap red wine, getting attacked, someone saving her.

"I was - I was at the meadow. I was talking to his grave. And then - and then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I thought it was you. But then this masked guy was choking me, and I couldn't breathe, and - and I thought I was going to die. I mean, I - I - I think almost did because I thought I saw Finn. I don't know, I'm so confused right now, Caleb," Millie stuttered. 

Caleb sighed and said, "Okay, well the good thing is that you're okay now,"

Millie asked again, "Caleb, where are we?" She knew that he was avoiding her question for a reason, but she did not understand why. 

Caleb sighed again and said, "Let's go. He's probably up, waiting for you to get up,"

He helped Millie get out of bed. They slowly walked towards the door of the bedroom. 

Millie's limbs felt wobbly, pain shooting through her body and she flinched. Her throat burned every time she gulped, but the dryness in her throat was making it difficult to talk much. Her mind felt at rest as if her subconscious knew that she was safe, no matter what her conscious self thought.

Outside the door, a man stood on guard. He was a little taller than her but slightly shorter than Caleb. He had dark brown hair, and his hazel eyes watched every movement made in the hallway, never missing anything.

"Noah, can you tell him she's up? She'll be in the living room." Caleb told the man - Noah.

He nodded at Caleb. He looked around the hallway once more, before he took off in the opposite direction as them. He mumbled something into his wrist, and a tall man exited one of the rooms and stood guard. As they passed, the two shook hands. They shared a look as well, Millie was sure, but she was not close enough to analyze what it meant.

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