13. Father's Love...

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The story starts with abhijun who are still sleeping peacefully not minding the time is already past 8

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The story starts with abhijun who are still sleeping peacefully not minding the time is already past 8...

The phone ringed many time for last two hours but due to the silent mode abhijun couldn't hear it... After few minutes someone knocked the door until abhi open his eyes...

Dadi: what the... Still you both are sleeping... Where you put your phone for how long pragya is trying your phone but you're not answering it... She got panicked you know....

That's when abhi comes to his sense and runs to check it to find it on silent mode and more than 150 missed calls and 99 messages...

Abhi: sorry dadi didn't noticed it...

Dadi: first speak to her

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Dadi: first speak to her... Abhi nods while yawning and dialled her number which she attend it in a first ring itself...

Pragya: suniye where the hell you put your phone... For last two hours I am trying you but you're not answering it... You made me scared...

Abhi: sorry baby... This is on silent mode that's why...

Pragya: suniye first wake Arjun and help him to get ready for school...

Abhi: vo... Fuggii already he is on leave na let him be... Only three days na then he will join back... Also we both will have time for ourself... 

Pragya: you're not going to office....

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Arranged with Love marriage...[Completed ✔️✅]Where stories live. Discover now