DVD and Cold Nights

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Tist's POV

Once I did that, the TV blasted me with deafening sounds that were so jumbled, I couldn't make out any of them. Freem's mother quickly fixed that by turning down the volume as Freem walked back over to the couch and sat down. Once she had settled, I was able to make out some of the shapes on the TV.

I saw three people. One was laying on a hospital bed of sorts, another was at the foot of the bed and the final person was holding the hand of the bedded one. Before I could make out what the person was doing at the foot of the bed, Freem blocked my view with a finger.

"I'll remove my finger when you're old enough to see this." She said, looking back at the TV.

'Old enough? I've probably seen more mature things than you. But... okay.'

"Come on, honey! You're so close! Keep pushing!" I heard a masculine voice cheer.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?!" A feminine voice shouted harshly.

After I heard a shrill scream that sent shivers down my spine, I heard the sound of a baby crying. A moment later, Freem removed her finger. As I looked at the TV, I couldn't see the baby; however, the woman on the bed seemed relaxed-ish as the man beside her whispered unintelligible words to her. The bed was covered in blood, sweat, and other liquids.

"I-Is it a... boy or a... girl?" the woman asked, out of breath.

"It's a healthy boy." A different voice replied, "What do you want to call him?"

"I...I've always liked the n-name Tist." The woman smiled.

"Then Tist it is." The first male said.

Wait... Is this? Are those my real parents? They look so... happy.

"Alright. I'll have your baby back after he's been sterilized."

After a few moments, the baby was brought back in. He was wrapped in a pure white cloth. I watched the woman's eyes light up when she saw the bundle. She took the bundle and cradled it to her chest before reaching for the cloth covering the baby's face. When she pulled the cloth away, her face morphed into one of disgust.

"Um... Doctor Henry?" she called, "Are you sure there hasn't been some kind of mistake?" she asked.

"No this is definitely your child" he said.

"Here, honey." She said, handing the child to the man beside her, "I've decided that I don't want it."

Everyone in the room seemed to be shocked by those words.

"Honey, maybe you should sleep before deciding that" her husband said.

"Before you judge my decision, look at the thing in your hands." She said.

The man looked at the bundle before suddenly tossing it at Henry. Henry barely caught the boy.

"What the hell is this? Some kind of prank?!" he yelled, enraged.

"Ma'am, sir." He addressed, "This is your baby. I can promise you that."

"Then we don't want it!" the woman shouted.

"What?!" he asked, dumbfounded, "What am I to do with the child?"

"Leave that... thing in the forest!" she yelled, "It can be something else's burden."

The doctor seemed lost. The screen suddenly buzzed as something else appeared. It was my fake mother.

"Tist, if you're watching this, you escaped my punishment" she said, "I told you the truth. You're a burden. You deserve pain. Death is too good for you!" She snarled, "My sister nearly died having you! You hurt her! She was never the same! You are the reason for her suicide! I'll kill you! I'll make sure of it!" she yelled.

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