Bakudeku voices part 8

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K so light yagami....yagami back wards is I'm a gay 😩🖐❤️

Bakugou pov

I turn my head shakily ,to see deku making his way to aizawas desk."Hey nerd" I yell louder than I anticipated.grabbing  his arm his flesh sinking under my uneven jagged nails , dragging him into the hallway.

" k-kacchan weren't we ment to talk to mr azawai know last night"

Ugh fuck why did he have to remember, can't he just drop it all ready.

"I'm fucking hungry we can talk to him after" I lied feeling queasy

"Are you sure your hungry you look really pale-"

See he doesn't want you to eat , your already fucking fat enough.

No he loves me , I think to myself trying to be reassured 

Oh yeah? Really you sure he doesn't just feel sorry for you?

Go on fucking ask him

"Do love me or just feel sorry for me " i whispered scrunching my eyes up scared of his reaction.

Of corse he doesn't love you , you fucking idiot 

Look now he's going to start laughing at you 

Stupid fucking idiot

My vision went cloudy expecting laughter , onlyto be greeted with warmness.

"Of course I love you , your my everything I've loved you for so long please don't cry Kacchan". He whispered lovingly tickling my ear

I gently pushed him of remembering we were in the hall way , not realising my watery eyes.

I sniff and let out a sad chuckle "you know you get get rid of all my problems with a hugs deku...."

"I know....thats why you have to tell aizawa, you need a professional who can help you"

Well so much for getting him to forget....

My eyebrow crease together moulding my skin into a look of disgust.

I guess I don't have a choice do I?

"Okay deku" I reply looking into his glistening  eyes

His eyes a soft jade morphing into a emerald that shines in the light.

"You've got pretty eyes" I mumble 

"Awe Kacchan your so cute"deku laughed 

My face heated up a bright shade of pink

"Fuck I said that out loud " I say covering my face with my hands.

Since when did I start acting like the nerd mumbling and getting embarrassed!?I thought angrily but still maintaining a look of calmness.

"You ready to tell him ?" Deku asked with a serious face , quickly changing the once pleasant mood.

I look to the floor knowing there's no way to get out of it...."okay

I try not to get flustered when he links his pinky round mine leading me in.

His rough  hands felt comfortingly warm, as I was filled with the feeling of being  safe...loved


426 words :(

Lol sorry I'm only writing this bc I'm lazy

Also DONT STEAL IDEA OR AT LEAST GIVE ME CREDIT!!!! Okay so I've got a fanfic idea of Bakugou becoming a villain and having a god complex (he still a bottom tho don't worry) also if you don't know what a god complex is then ✨light yagami ✨

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