Logan Howlett x reader pt. 2

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Y/f/f = your favorite flowers
N/n = Nickname

~The next day~
I woke up still in my clothes from the night before. Damn I must've been tired. I went and showered, remembering everything that happened last night. Logan was kind of cute to be honest but probably way out of my league so I let that thought go quickly. I got ready for work and left without eating anything like I normally did. I always either got food at work or didn't eat at all since I never had time to cook or anything. I got there early and helped get the place cleaned up then people started coming in. I noticed someone who gave off a bad vibe but I let it go, heading back to the bar and getting a water.

~Time skip to after a few fights~

The guy who gave off a bad vibe was going again Logan next. They started off the fight normally but then before Logan even moved the guy jumped out of the ring and grabbed a bystander, holding a knife to their throat. "If there are any mutants in here I suggest you show yourself or I'll start killing everyone til I find you" that's why he gave off a bad vibe. He's part of the new group trying to kill off all mutants. Logan stepped toward him knowing full well what would happen. "I am, now let the woman go" the man then turned to Logan and chuckled. "There's more than one of you" he then looked at me. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. No one knew about my abilities except somehow this guy. I stepped forward. "Alright now let her go" he did and then threw the knife at me. I caught it with my powers, my hands and the knife now glowing dark purple. I then grabbed it in my hand and the glow faded. "Outside. Now" then I focused and made all three of us appear outside in clouds of purple smoke. We were in a desert. "Interesting I've heard much about you" the man grinned looking at me. "I'm Jason Stryker. I plan to end all mutants and starting with you two will do nicely" he then made himself appear behind me but I didn't fall for it. "I know your powers then. So it won't work on me. You cast illusions." I observe then appear next to Logan. "Who's gonna get him me or you?" I asked, looking at Logan but he moved before answering and snapped Strykers neck. "I suppose that works too. Now where should we go? It's probably not safe to go back to the bar for either of us now." I look at him.
"I know someone who can let us stay with him. Do you like kids?" He replied, looking at me.
"I don't mind them"
"Alright take us back to my bike and I'll drive us there in no time"
I made us appear at his bike and hopped on with him and he sped off to wherever he had in mind.

~Time skip to Xaviers mansion brought to you by Magnetos left pinky~

We parked and I got off of the bike a little less dizzy than last time. A younger looking man approached us as Logan also got off of the bike. "I got your message and yes we have room." The man smiled then offered a hand to me "I'm Charles Xavier, it's nice to meet you" I accepted his hand and shook it gently "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you as well"
"You and Logan's rooms are next to each other as their our last available for non students, he'll show you where to go" Charles then walked off and back into the mansion. "Students?" I questioned as Logan began walking and I followed.
"He uses this place as somewhere for other mutants to learn and live together so they aren't outcasted" he answered as we walked up some stairs. "Well that's very kind of him, it's very nice here" I looked around. "Yeah he's a nice guy; here's your room" he motioned to a door to the left of what I would guess is his own. "Thank you" I smiled and went to the door. "No problem Y/N". I then went into my room and sat down, opening a book to read since I didn't have much else to do.

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