U.A And Lunch With New Faces

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The news was idly playing in the background wile Hisashi and Shota were cooking dinner, and she recognize what was playing on the screen. A green haired boy ran into a villain fight with a sludge monster then all might appeared and blasted the villain away. It was less trilling in real life it was in a narrow street so the angle was bad, but at lest she knew a bit of the time line the U.A Entrance exam will be in 10 ish months but she didn't really know what to do with the information she wasn't old enough to go to high school.

She had been staying with Shota for two weeks and today Shota was taking her to U.A. Even though she was technically a toddler she could be trusted without a babysitter and Shota knew this, but didn't want to leave her home alone all day.

The place was HUGE the anime almost doesn't do it justice. She wanted to look around more but she had to follow  Shota and she really didn't want to get lost. In the end Shota just picked her up  and walked her through the building, they arrived at the door and he opened it a few teachers We're inside. 

Present mic and midnight walked up to us Hisashi giving me finger guns as he walked up. "Oh my god Shota, why do you have such a cute little girl with you. Don't tell me you snatched her up." Midnight said half joking but you could tell she was some what serious, did she seriously think Shota kidnapped her?

"I know right that's what I thought too but he's Takeing care of her. But I can't blame him she's an adorable little song bird!" Shota was now glaring at the both of them so I decided to speak up.

"My name is Yuna it's nice to meet you."

I smiled at her and Midnight started to squeal and pinched my cheeks. "Oh Shota she's just to cute! Of chores you just had to find such a little cutie to keep for your self." Apparently Shota was done with the Conversation because he just walked away.

Sitting her on a sofa he explain some things about what was gonna happen and what She should and shouldn't do. She nodded her head throughout him explaining everything, but she had eventually started tuning him out. So when she ended up in Nezus Office she was quite surprised.

The rat bear dog thing, smiled at her softly explaining some stuff to her before going to his work. But on the inside she was panicking.


Okay Yuna calm down it would be pretty much impossible for him to do that. And even if he did what was he gonna do she technically didn't do anything wrong. Sure she was younger now but twelve was still considered a kid, its not like she's a fully grown adult pretending to be a child because she still is one!

She would just have to be careful with what she said to him After all it couldn't be that weird for a kid her age to be a little smart. And now that she thinks about it she could be a child Genius or something, sure she may not be that academically gifted. But for her age she could definitely be considered a genius, and since she still a child she could just continue with her education and no one would know.

All right she decided she's going to be some type of Genius. Don't kids like her make bank by doing stuff like painting or solving difficult equations or something, maybe she should take up painting or sculpting? But first she should worry about her education, good thing she's at a school.

She looked over at the bookcase Nezu had, none of them would help her with what she wanted. "Nezu-San may I go to the Library." The rat chimera looked over to her and said softly. " i'm afraid we don't have any books for your age level here, you wouldn't fine anything two interesting there I'm afraid."

She just stared at the bear in shock A bit offended that he thought she couldn't read before remembering she was literally a toddler and most kids her age could barely spell their names. "Oh that's fine Nezu-San i know how to read just fine. I'll be back after lunch alright."

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