Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

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(Warnings: brief mentions of depression and suicide, references to injuries and death.)

The morning sun peaked through the curtains shining on her face. She turned around pulling her blankets up to shield her from the suns light. Burying her face into her pillow she try's to go back to sleep. But then her aunt yells.


Now fully awake, She dose a long drawn out groan,but rolls out of bed. She goes down stairs to get her chores done for the day and thinks about what she's going to have for breakfast. Her aunt has been seeing some guy lately and has been going out more, but it's not like she really cares.

After finishing her breakfast she dose her chores for the day. Once she finished she wonders what she's going to do for the rest of the day. She doesn't really have any Friends or anyone to hang out with, and there isn't really much to do with such Limited resources. She goes up to her bedroom and looks through her DVDs, it's mostly anime because her neighbor has a anime DVD Collection that he lets her borrow, he also let her keep some of the DVDs.

She looks through the ones she has then sighs she's already watched them like a million times. She lays down on her bed and closes her eyes, she doesn't really like to be alone in this quiet house. She flips on her bed and looks outside her window, she sees her other neighbors kids playing with a hose wile there parents Watch and cut watermelon for the kids. It was something she never experienced, as far as she can remember she's always been alone, her mother walked out after she was born, and her father wasn't interested in raising a child. When she turned seven he sent her to go live with her aunt, but she wasn't really any better than her father.

Sometimes she wonders why she was even born. Nobody wants her she's just a burden on everyone, it's not like she's ever going to do any thing with her life. except apparently stalk poor unsuspecting family's because she's pathetic and can only watch people experience a life she'll never get to have. Maybe she should just do everyone a favor and end it al... maybe she should just go borrow some dvds from her neighbors house.

Walking over to her neighbors house She noticed that he's not home, he's probably at a convention. She digs through her pockets for the spare key he gave her and opens the door. She goes over to where he keeps his dvds and looks through them, when she notices something on the table. It was A couple of bags and something wrapped in baby blue wrapping paper with a red ribbon. She walked over to the table and picked up a note that was on top of the box.

-Sorry that I couldn't see you when I got back from my convention. I was sent on a Business trip and didn't have much time to get ready, I don't know how long I'll be gone and I might not be back for a while. I got some things from the Convention for you though, and a dvd set for an anime called my hero academia, it's pretty popular. I figured you might want some new anime that's not decades old.

She got excited and immediately opens the Gifts he got her. And lo and behold there was a brand new dvd for the anime my hero academia and surprisingly enough the first volume for the Manga. In the bags there seem to be a few key chains and other trinkets of the characters from the show. She smiled and left a note thanking him for the gifts, for whenever he got back from his business trip. And practically runs back to her house to Watch it.

She ended up finishing season one by the time it got dark and she had to start dinner. She was watching A few episodes of season two before her aunt came home with her boyfriend drunk. It ends up ruining her mood and she takes her things back up to her room. She here's them talking in the kitchen about her, but she just ignores it and decides to go to sleep.

The next day she wakes up and dose all her chores for the day before finding a letter on the table Addressed to her. She Opens it, and can only manage to read half of the letter before she starts Wiping away tears. She throws the letter back onto the table before running up to her room grabbing a few things and her keys, and runs out of her house.

Her aunt was leaving to go get married, and said she was old enough to start living by herself and she would send her money. Her aunt was leaving her, abandoning her just like her father did. Maybe she thought that she wouldn't care, her relationship with her aunt had always been a little strained. But they still have their moments, she had at least thought her aunt cared about her in her own way. But of course she was wrong.

how could anyone love someone like her.

She ran into the forest near her house. She doesn't know how long she was running but eventually she stoped because her legs started to hurt. She took a moment to catch her breath and then looked around her, she was pretty deep in the forest but as long as she made it back before nightfall she would be able to find her way back. She sat down and looked at the few things she brought with her, apparently in her hysteria One of the things she brought was the manga for my Hero academia. She chuckled a bit at where her priorities lie apparently, but sat down and started reading.

She ended up falling in love with the characters all over again, she kept reading but At some point she must've fallen asleep because when she woke up it was pitch dark. She got up carefully and try's to navigate her way through the dark trying to find her way back to her house. But while she was walking she tripped on some thing and fell tumbling down a small cliff and hit her head when she hit the ground.

Her thoughts started to go hazy and black dots clouded her vision. It hurt to move and she felt something dripping down her head.

'I'm really sleepy, maybe I should just sleep here, I'm sure someone will notice me gone and come look for me.'

Then she realized no, no one would come look for her she was all alone now. If she really did disappear it's not like anyone would miss her. Her aunt would probably be happy about it finally being able to get rid of her. At least it would be An interesting story for this boring old town, where it always seems like every day is the same.

She couldn't help the tears that started to fall now that she finally realized that no one loved her, that she was truly alone in the world. As her vision started to dim she couldn't help but think.

"I wish I could be born again. Born into a world were people could love me, where I could have my childhood back. Maybe I could be reborn somewhere fun, like my hero academia."

Sleep finally took her and the world went black. But then a cold sensation washed over her and she felt like she was falling.

In a completely different universe a little girl lost all hope in life. She looked up to the sky.

"I don't want to be here anymore. I just can't deal with this. I wish someone Else could just be me instead."

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