Authors Note

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This is my first book and I'm going to try and keep it as realistic as possible. I'm basing this off of a true story so hopefully I won't get carried away and deviate from the actual story.

My English also has a tendency to occasionally suck so just try and let it slide if you see any typos. Don't be too hard on me. I am typing this on my phone.

I am going to try to update or upload (however you say it on here) as much as I physically can. I tend to get distracted and lose interest in things easily. I also might start another book or decide to paint something while in the middle of this book and forget about it. If I don't update for a very long time maybe a month or two feel free to email me to remind or just check if I'm even alive lol. is my email so just go ahead and email your corrections and suggestions there.

Anyways that's all I have to say for now let's get this show on the road. XX

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