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Its just after school and Noella, Neisha and I are sitting outside waiting for our moms to come get us. It's been almost a three months since Bryson and I had spoke. I'd heard he was dating some girl from his school. I didn't really care though. I was over us, and I was glad I'd been the one to call it. Well Noella was but you get what I mean. Anyways I had other things on my mind.

My phone dings, meaning I just got a text. I scramble for it, in a rush to see if the message is from a specific someone. Speak of the devil.

Neisha and Noella look at me me funny as I smile and reply the text I'd just gotten but don't say anything.

Just then Trinity and Shiloh show up speaking between themselves rather excitedly. Trinity is complaining about something on Instagram I could barely care. I'm too busy texting him. " .... exactly! How could he actually do this to me, and with her?" Trinity is basically shouting now so I decide to put down my phone and pay attention. "I know for sure they had sex, how could they not. It's prom."

" What's going on guys?" I ask really confused
"Remember that guy I told you about, Adriel." My heart skips a beat. She couldn't possibly be talking about my Adriel could she? No of course not. It's a big world but Hogshire's a small city. They're definitely not the same person though, they can't be. At least I hope not.

" Not really, enlighten me." I say, I'm definitely interested now.

" Well he's this guy I met at debate club, well I didn't meat him but I saw him on stage competing. Basically we see each other at debate sessions all the time but never talk, and a couple months ago he sent me a dm and we started talking but he still wouldn't talk to me in person. Anyways I've been completely in love with him since. I know everything about him and well we're perfect for each other. So today I'm going through stories, and you know how the St David's prom was last night, I saw this picture of him on HER story. They went to prom together!" She says out of breath, shoving her phone in my face.

I blink twice to make sure I'm seeing straight. And sure enough it is him. That's my Adriel. I don't know what to say. He's standing in the picture with a very tall skinny girl who has her hands snaked around him. I know her, well everyone does I suppose. Let's just say everyone who goes to a private school in Hogshire knows what she looks like naked.

I desperately want to explode but Trin beats me to it.
"Of all the people I can't believe he would go with that skank"
I sit there quietly, completely unable to say a word.
"Sure he's never actually talked to me or anything but we have a real connection, we're soulmates" she sulks. This was just completely crazy. My best friend was fan girling over the guy I'd been falling for the past three weeks.

We'd met online, it's like he'd been waiting for me to get out of a relationship so he could send me a message. I was ready to ignore it l, convinced I wasn't ready for anything, but something inside me told me not to. It just felt different. So I did and since then we'd talked everyday for what felt like hours. I thought we were really connecting. I guess I'm the only one who's Bluetooth was still on.

I just laughed and told Trin she was over reacting. Which she responded to by throwing her books at me and we all broke out into fits of laughter. I figured telling them about how I knew Adriel already would be meaningless. After all it's not like we were dating or anything. I just simply wouldn't talk to him again.

We start talking about how we all need to do something extravagant for my birthday next week. I'm really excited. I'm the only one of my friends who hasn't turned 18 yet and I'm kinda tired of the not so funny jokes. It feels like I've been waiting to turn 18 since I was born.
We decide we're going to go to the beach with some other people and have a party there. We'd grab a bunch of drink and snacks and use Shiloh's truck as a canteen or something. It sounded like a really great plan and like it would be a lot of fun. Plus Trin and Shi where great at planning things so I was sure things where going to turn out great.

I see my mom's car pull up and I start to pack my things to leave when my phone dings. A familiar name pops up at the top of my screen. Shiloh, who was sitting next to me, catches a glimpse of it and we just stare at each other for a minute. Did she see anything? She looks away and goes back to the conversation with the rest of the group as if she didn't so I suppose I'm safe. I sigh a breath of relief and begin to grab the rest of my things and say goodbye to the girls.

As I'm walking to my mom's car I open my messages and delete Adriel's without even reading what it says. He doesn't even deserve my time.
Men, who needs them anyway?

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