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I wake up feeling really tired. Ironic isn't it. I feel really... Heavy? Kinda squashed.. then I remember I added two extra blankets last night. Then I remember what day it is today and jump out of bed.

It's my birthday.

I'm finally 18.

I rip open the curtains to find..... Rain!!!! It's literally pouring outside. No sun in sight. This can't be happening, I need to go back to sleep because this definitely has to be a dream. I shut my eyes and drift back to sleep when I hear a loud knocking on my door. My brother walks in with a box in his hands. Gosh at least there was one good thing to come from this terrible morning, a birthday gift from my little brother.

He tosses it to the foot of my bed. I grab it and gush " Thank you Kyle, you shouldn't have." He looks at me funny and burst out laughing.
" Yeah dweeb and I didnt, mum said you need to pass by Aunt Kara's house after school and give that to her."
He continues laughing as he goes down stairs.

Well not like I could've expected much from that loser anyway. I grab a fresh towel from my bathroom and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower because I just don't have time for that long scrub today. That little "power nap" I took was actually a 30 minute call with the sandman.

Staring into my reflection in the mirror I notive how my beautiful blue orbs shine in the reflection of the light , and my golden locks flow down my back and almost grab my bum with their tips.

I'm messing with you obviously. The first thing I notice when I look in the mirror is my huge nose. It's not hideos in the sense that I've seen worse but it could be better. I grab it and push up at the tip imaginig what it would look like if it didn't droop the way it did. And my eyes, god I love my eyes but only if they were upturned a little more, and the whites were a little whiter and the brown a little brighter. My lips are my favorite and I would absolutely adore them if they grew and inch. 

I slam my palm against my face in the reflection. " Not today you don't" I look away immediately staring at a blank wall.
" You're hot okay, people tell you all the time."
" They're lying to make you feel better because you're s-"
"Shut up that's no true."
I grab my phone and speed walk out of my bathroom and dash into my room to change.

I skip downstairs in my short shorts and baggie tee-shirt. My hairs in a ponytail and it's definitely looking like a mess.

That's why no one likes you, you can't even take care of you-

Can't decide if I want bacon or eggs, maybe both. I'll do both.
Looks like Kyle's gone already and mom must've left in the morning. The house is dead silent. Well more breakfast for me. I eat my eggs and begin to think about how I'm gonna get to the beach later. Maybe il ride with Trin.

I flick on the tv and start watching modern family. Great to have play in the background while you eat and use your phone. By the time I'm done it's 11 already and Trin said she'd be here by 12 so I should probably get ready. I notice it's stopped raining and release a sigh of relief maybe today won't be so bad after all.

Now I suck at a lot of things but if there's anything ik I'm good at it's some transformations. I spend about 45 minutes doing my makeup and hair and by the time I'm done... Let's just say must doesn't even begin to describe. Everything looks terrible. My hairs not curled properly and my whole face is melting.

This was it, this year's brekaing point. Every year on my birthday I cry, something happens or someone does something and it just makes my day worse than it already was and I start sobbing. This year it was me. I start crying grab a hoodie and get into bed and just lay there heaving. I didn't even wanna do this bash this year.

When I hear Trin's car pull up I stay turn over to the other side and continue my sob fest. She knocks by the door for a bit and tries to call a couple tike before she realizes where I probably am. I hear her footsteps outside my bedroom window, well sounds more like multiple but I conclude she's probably just with Shi. I can hear her as slips a Bobbie pin in  and unlocks it then she steps inside with someone behind her.

I don't bother to turn over. I'm really just over today. I can feel her presence move closer to me and then the bed shifts as she sits next to me and rubs my back. " Not this year again KK" I sniffle trying not to start crying all over again. "Come on we need to go" she yells in her loudest voice and beggins ticking. Definitely the only way she was going to get a reaction.

In my attempts to get away from her I turn slightly to my left and from the corner of my eye I see a figure. I push Trin of me aggressively and scream. Looking stunned she turns over in the direction of the large man standing in my room and begins to laugh hysterically. Well that's definitely not Shiloh.

Author's Note

Sorry about the delay. I've been well not doing so well, but yk I'm back now and I'm better than ever. Let's "get into to it, yuh"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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