Chapter one

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I came out at the age of 13 and now I'm 16 and my parents didn't like that and my mom would go in my room every night she would pull my pants down and she would do stuff to my area down there and she would tell at me bc I would cry and no moan because she said she would not raise a gay son

Present day yesterday my mom said she was gonna send me to a camp I was excited bc I was gonna be out the house my mom didn't let me go out the house for 3 years I was locked inside my room I only got to go out when I needed to use the restroom and my dad would bring me food

I woke up to my door being open I saw a priest and my mom and dad the priest said "morning" I then got up and I followed him outside and a bus waiting then a cloth went over my head they threw me in the bus then there was a woman and said "don't worry your fine we just don't want you to see where we are going" it felt like a 10 hour drive but Ik it wasn't we got there and they took the thing of my head they took me inside they started to take my clothes off and they only left my boxers on and then they started to wet me with a high pressure hose it hurt and I fell to the floor in pain the two big man took me to another room where there was cages there and boys in them they where about my age they put me in a cage

There in the cage next to me was a kid that was 7 he was young he saw me laying there all wet and cold because it was in the middle of December he poked his little finger through and I looked at his finger and I slowly started to raise my finger slowly until I touched his finger then the door swung open and they opened my cage and pulled me out and out that room and took me into another room they started to beat me and calling me a disgrace and that god didn't like f@ggots like me and more they put me back in my cage but they put my chains on and they would shock me and I would scream in pain it happened for about 4 hours they finally took me out the chains and I sat there crying in pain the little boy sat there looking at me terrified and he started to cry and whispered to me and said "are they gonna do that to me" I felt terrible and I didn't know how to answer that but all that came out was "I'll make sure they don't ok buddy what's your name" he then said "I been in here since I was little bc my mom and dad didn't want me and I don't got a name" I then said "do you want a name?" He nodded happily "ok what about Tom but Ima give you a nickname and it's gonna be Timmy ok" he nodded happily and then turned around

The next day me and Timmy where talking quietly so none hears us then they swung open the door and then they opened my cage and then they where doing it roughly and then I saw the fear in timmys eyes I gave him a warmly smile and then they took me in a room and there was a table they chained my hands down my lower waist was off the table then they pulled my boxers down and then I felt pain in my bottom it hurt so bad I was screaming in pain Ik everyone in the other rooms could hear I kept screaming in pain and at the end of it the priest pulled his pants back up and said "you faggot" he took me back to me cage and threw me in there I sat there cry he has raped me my feet where numb bc we had no socks or nothing my boxers where the only clothed I had I saw Timmy crying I said "hey buddy why you crying" he then said "are you ok" I nodded knowing damn fucking well I wasn't ok I was kept there for 17 more weeks and on the last night I was there Timmy was crying I then said what's wrong then he said "they are gonna leave me on the street tomorrow" I got pissed off that they where gonna throw a 7yo kid on the street I then said "I'll take you with me ok buddy" he nodded and stopped crying

In the morning I woke up to Timmy shaking me I felt a cool breeze I opened my eyes and saw that we where out the church it was early in the morning there still wasn't sun but it was starting to show sun they left us outside the church nothing but under we walked to my house I knocked and my dad opened and then he said that the priest said that I didn't even try I then screamed in pain "do you know what they did to me-" then my dad said "don't lie" that was if I walked up to my room with Timmy and I gave him some of my old clothes and better clothes I told him to take a shower and he said shyly "c-can you be my new dad?" I smiled I really do love this kid "sure" he smiled with the brightest smile I have ever seen on the kid he then said "so can you help me with this daddy please" I nodded we walked to my bathroom and then I ran him a bath and then he got in and started to play with the bubbles i started to play with him and I didn't notice my aunt came to visit she knew I was gay bc I came out to her first and she supported me then Timmy said "daddy who's the lady behind you" I turned around and saw my aunt I hugged her and she hugged back and then she said "I haven't seen you in a while I came here to tell you something idk if your gonna is want to but here" she handed me adoption paper it had my aunts name and my name my aunt was gonna adopt me...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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