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Zoe pov

I woke up and I saw that Madison was gone, I walked outside and saw her at the campfire, I walked to her and asked her if i could sit next to her. 'Zoe do you still remember thing about yesterday or did you forgot everything?' she asked, I was confused but than i remembered everything 'oh yea I still remember why?' I asked confused, 'did you mean the things you said to me?' she asked 'Yea i mean what i said Madison' I saw her smiling and it wasn't a fake smile or something it was a real smile, 'I think that you're also the most beautiful girl' she said while looking at me in the eyes, I never felt like this my heart was beating fast I wanted to kiss her but i heard someone behind me 'What are you guys doing? Where you guys making or something' Cordelia said while laughing. 'Cordelia don't act all innocent i know that you like that swamp witch and that you want to fuck her' Madison said, Everyone knew that Cordelia had a thing for Misty but Cordelia never said it to someone. 'Madison go away i need to talk to Zoe' Cordelia said mad. Madison walked away and i was confused what did she want to talk about? 'Zoe I just want to say that i'm happy that you are so close to Madison, she was a stonecold bitch before she met you and now she's a sweet girl' Cordelia said, I didn't knew that i changed Madison so much in a good way I smiled at Cordelia while i walked to my tent. I saw Madison getting her swimsuit and she asked me to swim 'Madison what about your bruises?' I asked 'everyone already knew what happened' Madison said softly.  When we put our swimsuit on i went to Cordelia and Misty and asked if they wanted to swim too, after a few minutes we all got our swimsuits on, Madison went into the water while hiding her bruises, 'Madison you don't have to hide your bruises' I said, 'I just don't feel comfortable showing them' she said softly. We all got in the water and we were throwing a ball at eachother, 'Ouch fuck jesus' Madison screamed 'Madison whats wrong?' I asked while worrying. 'the ball hit my bruise' Madison got out of the water and i went with her to look at the bruise. it looked really bad 'I will put something on it to stop it from hurting so bad' I said while grabbing it, 'It will feel cold but it helps alot' I said while looking at Madison. 'Jesus that's so cold can you stop' she asked, 'its almost done' I said. I didn't even know if she was comfortable with me touching her body I forgot to asked her that but she's probably fine with it. 'I'm done' i said while i was smiling 'thank you' she said while she gave a kiss on my cheek, I was blushing and she smiled at me.

Everyone went to their tent I walked to my tent and i went in Madison was changing her clothes, 'oh my sorry Madison i didn't mean to walk in' I said while looking away 'Its fine' she said while she grabbed her bra 'hey can you help me with my bra' she asked, 'uhm yes sure' I had no idea how to feel but i felt butterflies in my stomach' 'just put the clips together on my back' 'okay I'm done' i said while smiling, 'thanks Zoe, should we go to the campfire?' she asked while she was putting her clothes on 'sure what do you want to do' I asked' just talk and maybe more idk' she smiled.

We where walking to the campfire when we saw Cordelia and Misty sitting together, everyone knew that Cordelia and Misty liked eachother but they never said it. 'Madison they are there we can better go somewhere else' 'yea sure we can go to the woods or something' she said while grabbing my hands and walking to the woods.

I followed her when she walked to a beautiful place in the woods, We sat there and talked about random things, she started to say things about wanting a girlfriend and i didn't knew what to say or what to do, she grabbed my hand and she started rubbing my hand softly. 'Do you like girls?' I asked while i was trying to look away, 'Yes are you uncomfortable with that?' she asked while she stopped rubbing my hands 'No I don't have a problem with that i like girls too' I said, 'wait really?' She asked and i said yes, she pulled me closer while she was staring at me, I stared at her lips and I felt butterflies in my stomach, she pulled me closer and she kissed me It felt amazing and after a few seconds I kissed back.

sorry for the short chapter but i hope y'all liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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