✩ part 26 ✩

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TW // abuse 

"pack your stuff bella we're leaving" 

"what? no." i said back

i looked behind me to see wilbur and tommy both staring at me, wil shot me an "everything okay?" kind of look and i slightly nodded

"dad lets go outside and talk, theres a lot of people here today."

i walked outside with him and we stood by his car

"i just want whats best for you bella, coming with me to orlando it'll be great"

"i'm not going with you"

"and why is that?"

"i have a life here, i have a house, my friends, my dog, a good paying job, my boyfriend i-"

"and you can get all of those things in orlando too, maybe even a hot blonde girlfriend"

"no. im not leaving, and you're a fucking freak"

"well you dont have a choice" he scolded

"i do have a choice, last time i checked 18 is the legal adult age, and guess what, im 19, do i need to do the math for you? its one number above 18"

"you're still my daughter"

"does it look like i care? cause i don't im not going with you to that dump, im not gonna spend the rest of my life kissing your feet and obeying everything you say. im not gonna go with your sexist racist homophobic objectifying ass, and i haven't forgotten the things you texted me about alex after that hell of a dinner, all the racial slurs towards him, and all the homophobic comments towards me, and i will never forget how you treated mom all those years, you're fucked in the head"

"you never know when to STOP" right then he smacked me across the face knocking me down, he was about to take another swing at me but 2 hands grabbed the back of his shoulders turning him around and socking him in the face like it wasn't a big deal, those hands belonged to clay, and the hands trying to help me up belonged to george

i swear he hit me so hard my vision failed for a couple seconds, after a few seconds of clay pinning my dad to the car, and going off on my father (keep the dirty minds to a low) sam and techno came outside pulling clay off of the 64 year old man, wilbur guided him to his car and passively waved to my dad, and my dad left with a black eye and probably a broken nose, thanks clay 

when i got inside alex came up to me noticing a hand print on my face

"what the fuck happened" he asked going to touch my cheek

i swayed my head away cause i know any kind of contact towards it would hurt 

"don't touch i just need ice" i walked passed him into the kitchen where niki was, already pulling ice from the freezer, i assume she saw what happened outside

"what happened bella" he asked a second time

"well remember my dick of a father? yeah he wanted me to move to orlando with him" i laughed then clenched my jaw cause it hurt to move my face in any kind of way 

then the guys came back inside

"bella do you know where the med wraps are? clay busted his hand pretty bad" george asked while holding clays balled up fist 

"yeah upstairs bathroom the cabinets above the toilet on the 3rd shelf" 

"thank you" clay spoke

then sam came over 

"may i?" he asked referring to take a closer look at my face i nodded in response 

he put his 2 fingers under my chin and tilted my head up diagonally so he could see the side of my face where i got hit 

"definitely gonna have some bruising, just keep icing it and take some ibuprofen for the swelling" he told me pulling his hand away

"i was expecting to hear something like that" i laughed 

"i'll grab you some ibuprofen" alex said before walking to the bathroom 

"thanks guys" i said to them, getting up and going to find clay to thank him too

when i got upstairs i found clay sitting on the edge of the tub and george sitting across his lap wrapping clay's hand 

"hey uh...thanks guys" 

"yeah of course" clay shot a smile towards me 

"anytime bella" george responded, when i went to do find alex clay stopped me

"bella?" i turned and looked at him, "has your dad always been like that?"

"uh..." i was hesitant to answer, it's always hard talking about the things my dad has done "yeah, with my mom though, never me"

he just nodded his head once "im sorry" and i nodded back, george got up to give me a hug noticing that was hard for me to admit. when he let go i went and found alex in the back yard talking to ranboo and fundy by looking out the window i grabbed ranboo's hoodie and then walked outside 

"here put this on," i tossed it to him, "this is november in north carolina, not november in arizona" 

he caught the hoodie then looked at me as i went to sit on alex's lap


"fundy and i are in t-shirts but you only got him his hoodie?" alex said 

"yeah he's like my little brother i feel the need to mother him 24/7 don't worry i'm like that with tommy and tubbo too, i don't have favorites, i love them all the same" i said back with a smile

"thats what they all say" ranboo said in a monotone voice

"so you're saying you want a kid" alex asked

my face went straight "yes. right now. i want a kid. please"

fundy laughed pretty hard and alex just got flustered 

"s-stick to the b-boys for now" he tried to get out making us all laugh 




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