Part 11 - The Scare

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Dillon yelled from across the room. "Let's make this game interesting."

Why didn't I like the sound of that?

"The losing team has to do a forfeit." his face turned into a smirk, and I imagined what evil schemes he was coming up with in his head.

"No way." I was quick to say.

"Come on, Cave. Stop being a little goodie-two-shoes." Dillon responded.

I glared at him: I hated being called that, mostly because it wasn't true. "Fine. Let's do it."


We had overtaken Indira's bedroom as our base. I think I'd heard the boys in the Lounge.

We were sat in a circle brainstorming ideas; I was terrible at scaring people, so I was just sat eating sweets, not contributing anything, before I heard Indira speak.

"We could try jumping out at them?" she said, sitting back on her hands, waiting for a response.

I looked round at her slowly. "Creative much?"

She put her hands up defensively. "I'm sorry Bella, next time you have an idea be sure to let us know." her voice was harsh; she was obviously still mad at me for 'ruining' her party.

"Fine then, we'll hide and jump out on them, see if that works." I said sceptically, knowing it would never work. And the four of us stood up and split off around the house.

My original thoughts were to hide near the lounge, catch the boys as they left, but I was too anxious of getting scared first. I wandered towards my own room first, but then realised it might be a bit obvious, so I hid in the store cupboard opposite my room. It was quite spacious, but as soon as I shut the door the last light was extinguished, and I began to feel a bit claustrophobic. I waited for about five minutes, before I heard a voice that made me jump out of my skin. It sounded bored, but I knew the source of the noise was smirking through the dark.


"JAMIE?" I whisper-shouted. "What are you doing in here?"

"Hiding." He said.  "We decided to try and jump out on you but I think Dillon's planning something bigger."

He switched his phone torch on, lighting up the space and I had to cover my eyes to prevent them from being blinded by it. He was sat, crouched up in the other corner of the closet, about four feet away, with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean Dillon's planning something bigger?" I asked, curious.

He shrugged, indicating that he either didn't know or didn't care. I would lean towards the last one, seeing as Jamie and Dillon would never, ever in a billion years get on. "All I know is that he told us to hide while he worked on something else."

"Well you're doing better than the girls then. Our only plan is to hide and jump out on you."

"Well I guess we are doing better than you then, because I just heard Harry and Boggy walk past outside and you're sat here talking to me."

I spun around, hoping to see them, then realised that I couldn't see through doors, and turned back around to see a smirking Jamie. I threw a book from the shelf behind me at him, but he ducked out of the way instantly. I shook my head with a smile.

He continued. "I'm fed up of this game."

"Me too." I replied truthfully.

"Wanna leave?"

"No, this is my house." I replied, matter-of-factly.

He laughed. "Oh yeah." He paused for a second. "Why do we both seem to answer to Dillon?"

I squirmed in my seat. "What do you mean?"

"You need stand up to him." Jamie said, as if he could do such a thing.

"Well you don't either." I responded.

"I know. That's what I mean. If I stand up to Dillon I just seem to get kicked out of school."

"Maybe because you don't stand up to him in the right way." I said, referencing the violent tactics. He paused, before changing the subject.

"Do you think Michel likes Jack?" This was turning into the most random conversation I'd ever had.

I was taken aback. I didn't say anything.

He continued. "I suppose what I mean is, does Jack like Michel?"

"Er... I dunno, maybe. Why?" My fists clenched.

"I feel like we're drifting apart. She's always hanging out with him."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "So you don't like her?"

"What do you mean? Of course I like her." He replied, giving me a weird look.

"I mean, really like her, y'know."

"Oh, no." He replied. "We're just friends." he paused. "Is that good news for you?" his smirk had vanished, replaced with true honesty and curiosity.

I stuttered. "Er...I...I, I guess?" I wondered what exactly he meant by that. But he changed the subject before I could ask.

"If we're both bored of this game, then let's mix it up a bit." he said mischievously, a side of Jamie that I'd barely seen before.

My embarrassed look turned into a small smile. "How d'you mean?"

"Let's get Dillon and Harry before they get us."


Dillon's POV

Harry and Boggy had gone off to scare the girls, which left me alone to work on my master plan, when my phone started ringing. I answered. "Who is it?"

The voice on the other end paused, before speaking with a low, harsh tone. "Dillon?" it asked.

The voice was too low to be one of the girls, so my mind wondered to who it could be.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Go to the bathroom." it responded with a melancholy tone.

"Who is this?"

No answer.


Bella's POV

I giggled as Jamie hung up the phone. Kneeling on the edge of the sink, I pulled one of Indira's red lipsticks out of my pocket and wrote out message on the mirror.

"What if we win? Who will have the forfeit, boys or girls?" I asked, whilst scribbling on the mirror.

"I dunno, but come on, we've got to get out of here before Dillon comes." Jamie said.

"I don't think he fell for it. I can't hear him coming up the stairs." I admitted, sitting down on the edge of the sink. When I went to put my foot down to get off, I misjudged the distance and fell forwards with a screech.

I could see Jamie giggling as I pushed myself up.

"Hey! I could have hurt myself!" I said, brushing myself off.

He stopped laughing. "I'm sorry. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." but I was interrupted by the others running down the corridor to the outside of the bathroom.

"Are you OK? I..." Jack asked. Seeing Jamie and me alone together seemed to upset her somewhat.

"Who the hell screamed?" Indira interrupted.

"That was me! I just tripped over. Me and Jamie were just talking." I explained.

Indira pointed towards the message written on the mirror, her face showing pure horror . "Then what is that?"

I smiled at Jamie: our plan was in action.

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