Chapter 26

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The ride home from Liam's vacation home wasn't too bad. We stopped into a phone store and activated my new phone. I can't believe his family got me that. I'm still in shock over it.

We are just pulling into Harry's mini mansion. Well it was more like one of those fancy town home type homes that are most likely really big on the inside with really nice decorations. Liam puts the car in park and takes the keys out. I step out of the car and walk up the pathway to the front door. I extend my arm out and force my knuckles into the wood, knocking on the door. Split seconds later the door is pulled open and reveals Eleanor, a wide smile on her face squealing then throwing herself into my arms.

"I've missed you so much!" She exclaims into my hair as she continues to cling onto me.

"I've missed you too! Hope you had a great Christmas!" I said back, letting go as Eleanor released.

She took my arm pulling me in, waving Liam who was stood behind me, to come in.

"Every ones here, including Perrie! Were all just gathered in the living room hanging out!" Eleanor informs as she drags me down the hall into the den.

Every ones face lights up as I come into the room. Eleanor lets go of my wrists and sits down on the arm rest of a couch, next to Louis. I stop and stand in the entrance of the den, I feel Liams arms wrap around my waist from the back, placing his chin on my shoulder. The look on every ones face softens and a few of them lets some ahws escape their mouths.

"So how was Christmas with bad boy Liam over here?" Louis cheekily asks. I smirk at his remark bad boy Liam and begin to reply back.

"It was the best Christmas any ones could possibly ever give me." I turn my head to look at Liam and smile, "No one could have possibly made it better other than Liam and his family."

Liam picks his chin up off my shoulder and leaves a kiss on my lips. I hear Eleanor squeal in the background. I turn back to all of them and smile.

"Here here come sit down!" Perrie says, patting the spot next to her on one of the couches. I stride over and plop myself down next to her, Liam sitting on the arm rest.

"Okay so, since it took you guys forever to arrive we already opened our presents but we still have presents for you guys that you have to open." Harry chuckles. I feel my face soften, no one had to get presents for me, I've already have gotten more than I'd ever ask for from Liam. Harry gets up and walks over to the tree, grabbing the rest of the presents. It amazes me on how much he can carry at once. He places the all down on my lap and smiles, going to sit back down where he was previously. I pick up one and it was to Liam from Harry, I hand it to him. I grab the next one that was on my lap,

To: Lilly  

From: Zayn & Perrie 

Hope you like it! Merry Christmas xx

I look turn my head, looking to Zayn and Perrie which were sat next to me and smiled. I carefully tore the wrapping paper open to reveal a box, the ones that you put clothes in. Taking the tissue paper out, revealing high waste shorts and a floral crop top.

"Guys! Ok who picked this out?" I ask smiling at them. They both exchange glances and reply back to me,

"Both of us." They say with a smirk.

"You guys are the best and have the same exact style, thank you guys I love it!" I give Perrie a side hug and smile at Zayn. I set the box back down and pick up another gift, handing it to Liam for him to open. There were a few more, and I opened them. My gift from Louis and Eleanor ended up being a few dresses and perfume. Harry's present was a beautiful silver necklace.

"You guys really did'nt have too!" I say to all of them, leaning into Liams side as he puts his arm around me.

"Yes we did Lilly shut up we love you." Eleanor said. I playfully roll my eyes and close them leaning my head back on the sofa. Liam rubs my arm trying to comfort me and chills for on my back.

"Liam and Lilly have been driving in the car all day, we probably shouldn't keep them up and just let them rest." Perrie says, taking note of my tiredness but I perk up.

"No, no its fine!" I say trying my best not to look tired.

"No shes right you two really need to get some sleep." Louis says exchanging looks with Liam and I. Harry stands up and walks with Liam into the back area, where I'm guessing the rooms are.

"Good night guys!" I say giving everyone a hug before running into the back to catch up with Liam and Harry.

"Wait!" Eleanor screams out. I stop, placing my hand on the wall and turning around.

"Follow me you'll need some pj's!" She says grabbing my hand and leading me into a room I assume is hers. We enter the dark room and she flips a light on. I'm taken over to one of the many suit cases in the room, a few of them obviously being Louis. She pulls out a T-Shirt and some soft short night shorts and hands them to me.

"Goodnight!" She gives me a small hug and then pulls back, "have fun." she adds a little wink. I roll my eyes and laugh, "Goodnight Eleanor." I say while walking out of her room and going down the hall looking in all the rooms but no sign of Liam and Harry.

"Hey Eleanor?" I call out down the hall as she leaves her room.

"Yeah?" She says taking notice of me at the end of the hall.

"Wheres Harry and Liam?" I curiously ask. She looks confused but then her face lightens.

"Oh there's another guest bedroom upstairs, they are probably up there." She says pointing to the stair case next to her. I nod my head and whisper thank you as I brush past her and run up the soft carpeted stairs. I see a light on and go into the room Liam and Harry were in.

"What took you so long to get up here?" Harry asked.

I held up the tee and shorts Eleanor handed me and he nodded and formed his lips into an "o" shape.

"Okay so the bathrooms to the left of this room and were all down stairs if you need anything. If you get hungry in the middle of the night your welcome to eat anything in the kitchen." Harry says to me, clearly since it was my first time being at his house.

"Ok thanks." I say with a slight giggle and with that he smiles and heads out of the room back downstairs to entertain his other guests. Liam pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head and I laugh as I break free and go into the bathroom to change into the tee and shorts. I look in his drawers and find a pack of unused tooth brushes and some tooth paste. I brush my teeth for a few moments and rinsing the tooth brush out, tapping it on the side of the sink and throwing it back into the draw. Taking my hair tie I pull my hair up into a messy top knot and leave the bathroom, heading back into the room, no sign of Liam.

I walk over to the bed and pull the white sheets up, getting under and resting my head on the feather filled pillow. I feel myself slipping out of it until I feel two arms grab my waste and pull me into their body. I turn in his arms so our bodies are facing each others, one of his arms stay around me and his other goes to find my hand, intertwining our fingers. He leaves a soft kiss lingering on my lips and whispers I love you into my ear, the three words that make me feel a certain feeling I cant ever explain. A smile spreads my lips and I soon drift off, in Liams arms.



Okay so I finished my finals and got my results back last week, I did really well in all my classes except for biology, ha ha .. yeah I failed it and I have to re-take it next year opps. Oh well but yeah, I'LL BE UPDATING REGULARLY YAY YAY

Go follow me on instagram! @sammiewhat 


- Stay Lovely 


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