Chapter 1

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It was cold, tears streaming down my cheeks, my trembling body, not knowing where to go. I moved as fast as my petite body could carry me. My vision blurred, strains of hair getting in the way as I run against the cold autumn wind. I turn my head, looking back, making sure nobody followed close behind. I tare my sandals up with each step I take on the rigged pavement. I wipe my nose with the sleeve of my white sweater shirt. My legs, stretching as far as they could go as my denim jeans would let them as I stride. My breathing un-steady, like the rest of my body. I glance around, looking for a place to hide, a place where I could be safe, even if it was just for a moment in time till I have to return.


 Hello, my name is Lillian Ward. I'm going to tell you about the day that changed my life, the day I dread, the day where everything I once had vanished at my fingertips, floating away like dust in the wind. The day that I never could imagine happening to me. But first, let me take you a little farther back.

I was living the perfect life of any 6 year old would dream of. I lived with my mother and father. We would do the typical family stuff. Build forts, go out for ice cream, they would watch me dress up as a fairy and run around pretending to cast spells on small objects. I was living in my own little fairytale. My drop dead beautiful mother and handsome charming father had great jobs that allowed us to have an amazing house and good income. They were always there for me. 

Years went on, I was still in my own little fairytale. My parents would always be there for me, at school events, talent shows, little award ceremonies for my small 3rd grade class. I was known as the social butterfly, always willing to talk to anybody and everybody. Out going and energetic. 

As time went on, I noticed my mother not interacting with my father and I as much as she intended on. She still was always by my side when I needed her, just not as much as she used to be. 

Months passed and she was becoming very upset. I asked my father why mum was sad, he said that she was going through a tough time and was gonna take medicine soon, then she would be happy again. I wasn’t aware of it then, I was only 8, but now I understand. My mother was diagnosed with depression. My dad was right though, she did get happy again and energetic and full of life. 

A few years passed, my mother was starting to get upset again. 

After a month or so, she wasn’t acting herself. Completely shutting off communication with my father and I. She started going... crazy. She'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming. She'd yell for no reason then apologize and start crying. My father started getting stressed out and was worried for her. Sometimes he wouldn't come home at night. I felt lonely, but still energetic and happy.

This all leads up to the day that dread. The worst day of my life. The day I wish never happened. 

My mother woke up one morning and decided to throw away her pills, she thought she didn't need them anymore and that they were the cause of her phyconess. She asked my father to go out to get some milk at the store. He was only gone for 30 minuets. Those 30 minuets changed my life. 

My father left to go to the store to get just one carton of milk, that's it. My mother was in her room going crazy, she was crying, yelling at nothing, banging her head on the wall, throwing herself to the tile floor in her bathroom and punch the ground, leaving her fists bloody. She was going insane. She came out of her room, grabbed the pistol that my dad kept in the coat closet for safety and walked out to the woods. She committed suicide. Leaving herself to die after shooting her head. 

My father was devastated. He became depressed. He lost his job, the bank took out beautiful house in London and we moved to a small house in down town Willenhall. He picked him self up just a little and managed to get a job at the corner gas station. He started to become mean to me, verbally mean. 

Not long after, he started participating in drugs, getting drunk each night and smoking. He would yell at me, hit me, he abused me, physically and verbally. 

I kept a backpack with an extra pair of clothes, shoes, socks, a blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and my teddy bear. Some nights it would get so bad that I would go sleep on the back patio. I slept on that patio almost every night till I was 15. 

 I started to run at night, then come back later. But soon every time I ran off, my dad would get mad and beat me. Everything I did wrong, he would beat me. 

I'm 17 now. I go to St.Marry High School. I'm known as the pretty girl. And I'll admit, I am a pretty girl. I take after my mom. I have a perfect face, white teeth, beautiful hair. I was the pretty girl that made good grades and didn't have any specific friends. I hung out with everyone at school. I talked to everyone. I was the pretty, smart, kind girl that had a heart for everyone. Nobody knew that I was hurting on the inside though. No one knows about what happens once I get home. 

I will never tell anyone what happens when I get home. 

I will never tell anyone about my life story. 

I will never get to close to anyone. 

If I do, people will soon find out who I really am and I'll be made fun of. 

I don't want that to happen. 

And I wont let it happen 

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