Is Bill controlling Stan?

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Here is another theory about Gold, Grunkle Stan, and Gideon.

In episode 17, Boyz Crazy, near the end Stan talks to Robbie when he is heartbroken over Wendy breaking up with him. What does Stan say? "Look if it makes you feel any better, the apocalypse is coming soon bury your gold, you've been buying gold right?"

This is basically the same quote from Bill in episode 19, Dreamscaperers. Bill was talking to Gideon after they made a deal and before Bill disappeared. This is what he said: "Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold. Bye!" So Stan foreshadowed what Bill would say two episodes later, and it would make sense if... Bill was controlling Stan!

We know that Stan loves money, and an example of that is in episode 16, Carpet Diem, Dipper hits a golf ball through the window and it hits Stan in the head. Stan says, "Ah! Why am I even out here at night?" Which raises the question of why he is out there at night, and why he doesn't know himself and is questioning it.

The way he says it after he is hit is like he "wakes up" in a way, or in other words, Bill stopped controlling him, leaving him clueless. That also raises the question of why Bill needs money. If the theory is true, if he using Stan to get money, why does he need it? He has proven how powerful he is.

If you look back on the episode 6 Dipper vs Manliness, Mabel, Dipper and Grunkle Stan are in the diner, where Mabel asks Grunkle Stan for pancakes instead of salad dressing, Stan replies with "With the fancy flour, they use these days, what am I made of money?" The minute he finishes saying this a bill sticks out of Stan's wrist. "Tap. Tap" He says as he puts it back into his shirt.

Maybe to control someone Bill needs the thing that that person desires the most and a lot of it. Grunkle Stan's desire is money and as he controls the person Bill must have a supply of that money with him, which is why he loads up Stan with money and hides it under Stan's coat and the minute he's done with controlling Stan, Bill uses his magic to instantly get rid of the money.

This can be supported by episode 2, Legend of the Gobblewonker. In Stan's car, Stan put blindfolds on Dipper and Mabel, but Dipper asks him if he is wearing a blindfold as well because of how awful his driving is. Stan replies, "With these cataracts I might as well be." Since Bill only has one eye, he might be able to control Stan's vision slightly, and it could be the reason he wears an eye patch.

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