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A/N: If this one seems familiar, it is because it is a part of my traphouse spooktober blurbs book


"I love our late night walks," Aryia gushed as you two walked hand in hand through the park.

"Me too," you smiled when you met his eyes. "I like exploring and talking with you."

"Well if you like exploring, let's go this way for a change," he suggested and pointed in the direction of a trail that led to the forest. You nodded as you turned on your flashlight on your phone. The park had some lighting to it but the thick ceiling of leaves didn't let any light through, not even a glimpse of moonlight could be seen. As you two traveled further into the woods, you got this weird feeling in your stomach.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea," you mumbled as you shine your light around you.

"I'm sure we will be okay. I'll protect you, baby," Aryia reassured you with his soft-spoken words and gentle kiss on the head. You nodded and went along with him, but the more you guys walked, the more noises you heard and the more freaked out you became.

Your light was shining right in front of your feet and you would've seen that branch in your way, but it was like it jumped out in front of you. You tripped and fell, landing safely on your bottom. Your phone fell from your hands and out of your reach so you couldn't see that well.

"Y/n? Where are you?" You heard Aryia's worried voice call out for you. You couldn't see him with his light either. In fact, you saw his light on the ground too. You felt something grab onto your ankles and assumed it was Aryia trying to find you, but it got tighter and kind of hurt.

"Babe, that hurts," you muttered.

"I'm not touching you." And you knew he wasn't lying because his voice sounded so distant.

Then, all of a sudden, little twinkly lights came from the trees above you. They were mesmerizing, beautiful, and caught your attention in every way. The only thing that distracted you was a strangled groan from your boyfriend. You looked over to see him wrapped in the tree's branches and he couldn't move. It was like the tree was holding him hostage.

You looked down to your legs where you felt some movement and saw the trees doing the same to you, wrapping around you and pulling you in. You were about to scream but a branch went to cover your mouth. Your wide eyes stared at Aryia's as you cried. The tree continued to pull you closer into it until you were in the trunk and all you could see was black.

Aryia Emrani BlurbsWhere stories live. Discover now