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A/N: If this one seems familiar, it is because it is a part of my traphouse spooktober blurbs book


"You ready?" you asked Aryia as you snuggled into him. It was freezing outside and you needed all the warmth you could get.

"Of course, are you?" You nodded as you tried to hide the huge grin on your face. Your family does a haunted hayride every year and you didn't tell Aryia that where you were. You two were on a road trip to your hometown but you told him that there was a really cool hayride on the way there. Little did he know, he was already in your hometown and was going to meet your parents a lot sooner than he thought.

"How far are we from your town?" he questioned as the truck that was pulling the trailer filled with hay began to go into the forest.

"Not that far. Only a few more hours. We will make it there tonight." You gasped when a bloodied doctor jumped from behind a tree to scare you. Aryia laughed which caused you to pout and pull away from him. He only laughed harder but his smile soon dropped when a clown popped out and grabbed you off the trailer. You screamed to really sell it. You knew it was your brother doing this to pick on Aryia, but he didn't know that. He thought you were being taken.

"Aryia!" you shouted as your brother pulled you farther away. You watched Aryia jump off the moving trailer and take off after you.

"Hey! Let her go!" Aryia yelled, running towards you guys.

"You might wanna let me go. I've never seen him angry and don't know if he'll punch," you laughed as the clown removed you from his hold. You stuck a hand out to Aryia to stop him and calm him down.

"Aryia, I'd like you to meet my family. This clown is my brother. That doctor was my dad. The driver was my mom and that little girl...," you spoke as you pointed to your little sister who was dressed as a creepy doll, "is my sister."

"Well, that was an interesting way to meet your family," Aryia laughed before shaking hands and introducing himself. He was scared to meet your family but never expected your family to scare him this much.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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