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Come home let's synchronizeMy soft lips caress your thighsYou get me so fucking highThe voices in my head collide

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Come home let's synchronize
My soft lips caress your thighs
You get me so fucking high
The voices in my head collide

Come home let's synchronizeMy soft lips caress your thighsYou get me so fucking highThe voices in my head collide

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For the past few weeks Ace and I have gotten closer. He has been working a lot so I haven't seen him for a couple days, but I've been here for a month now. I've actually had a lot of fun here. I turn 18 next week too.

I sit up from my bed and grab my phone, Ace got it for me a coule days ago. I scroll through Instagram and hear the front door slam. I jump out of bed and run downstairs thinking Ace is home. Instead it's just Slash.

"Oh hey Slash," I sigh disappointed. I go into the kitchen and grab something to eat really fast.

Slash comes in, "couple questions. One where the hell are your pants? Two why did you sound sad?"

"Shit I forgot I didn't have pants on. Oops. And it's nothing, I'm fine!"

"You were expecting Ace huh?"

I nod sadly, "yeah. I haven't seen him in 2 days and I've been bored!"

"Hey I'll make sure he comes home tonight for you ok?"

"Thanks Slash," I say going back upstairs. Instead of going to my room I go into Ace's. I grab on of his hoodies and slip it on. It smells just like him causing me to smile.

I feel heat rise to my face and I giggle to myself. I flop onto his bed and look around. The darkness soothes me if I'm honest. The bed is huge and so comfortable. Slowly my eyes become heavy and I fall asleep.

--Ace pov--

I get home after Slash tells me Olive misses me. The thought of coming home to her makes me smile. I pull into the driveway and get out. As I go inside I expect her to run downstairs or something. Instead the house is dead silent. Panic sets in and I run up stairs.

I check her room and she isn't there. "What the fuck?" I sigh.

Sitting against the wall I realize I only checked her room. I run to my room and there she is asleep. As she lays in my bed I smile again. I have never smiled this much. Thanks to her I'm actually happy.

I tuck a piece of stray hair behind her ear and she stirs in her sleep. The rolls over to the other side facing away from me and I smile again. I strip to my boxers and climb in next to her. I kiss her shoulder and whisper, "thank you."

I thank her because she's made me so happy even though it scares the absolute shit out of me. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

She stirs again and snuggles into my chest. A little while after laying there she starts mumbling in her sleep. Olive starts to cry and scream out. I try to wake her, but she doesn't budge until she sits up frantically looking around. I sit up and whisper, "hey it's okay."

She jumps and turns to me. She cries and hugs me. As she sobs violently kiss her shoulder again and again. "It's okay! Just breath!"

She soon calms down and I ask, "what happened?"

"Night terrors! I have them sometimes, but usually I'm fine."

"Your safe Olive! You have nothing to be afraid of ok?" I say kissing her forehead. She nods and I wipe her tears with my thumbs.

"I'm sorry," she sighs.

"It's okay," I pause. "Hey let's go make something to eat yeah?" She nods slowly. "Okay come on."

I get up and she follows. She's wearing my shirt, one of my button downs. I smile and try to hide it. She grabs my hand and whispers, "never hide your smile Ace!"

I chuckle and ask, "why?"

"Because it's beautiful and I like to see it!"

I feel my cheeks burn up. A feeling I've never felt before. I giggle like a little girl and she takes my hand as we go downstairs.

She hops up and sits on the kitchen island. There is a walk way in front of it for the stove and everything. She watches as I put a pan on the stove and start some steak. I turn around and she's smiling.

"What?" I ask walking up to her. She spreads her legs allowing me to get closer.

"Nothing. I'm just happy here!"

"And to think you hated it for a while! You ran away three times girl!" I laugh and she swats at me, rolling her eyes. "Remember what I said about that!"

She rolls her eyes making sure that I see it and I sigh. "You know what that means!"

She giggles and nods. Her giggle is so fucking cute. She's taught me to be gentle at times and rough with her at other times.

I grab her by the throat and she smiles tilting her head back. I kiss her chest, where the shirt falls off her shoulder. She moans softly and I let go of her. "You gonna be a good girl?" I ask.

She shrugs playfully, bitting her lip. She giggles again and I turn back around to finish cooking.

"Thank you," she says softly.


"Helping me. Letting me stay here. You know taking care of me and stuff," I turn around again and she shrugs.

"You don't have to thank me Olive! But your welcome!" She kisses my cheek and I finish the food.

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