senario22 if they found out your a mermaid

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penny: asks if she can be one to

george: blushes and says wow

doggy: rubs his eyes to see if he's seeing right

Zomdoggy:same same as doggy

sheepy: amazed

teacher: takes a photo of you

bunny:same as penny

Nightmare bunny:same penny

beary: stairs in aw

zompiggy: adorable gasp

clowny: hyperventilating

foxy: on his knees

pony: says the legends and true

Villain pony: pull you on board and sits you in his lap

zizzy: stairing wide eyed in pure aw

elly: says the books and true

robby: scans and pulls up mermaid he also takes a picture of you and saves to his memory bank

mouse: wondering if she is halusanating

purple mouse:same as mouse

zee&zuzy: dress up like little mermaids to

mimi: asks if you are from the anime world

poley: says that is a very realistic costume

soldier: smacks himself to see if he's awake

torcher: drops a rock on his foot to see if he's dreaming

memory:asks if it's a dream

glitched memory:sam as memory

parasee: pulls you out of the sea to get a better look at what happened

daisy: believes shes been watching to much little mermaid

badgy:asks if the chemical fumes have finally gone to his head

billy: same as badgy

pandy: takes a pic and makes it her back ground

kitty: believes she must have eaten rotten sushie

dinopiggy: holding back his intincts

angle piggy: says you look cute as one

skelly: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

tigry:same as kitty

budgey: says he here for your botty and that is not treasure he's after

ghosty: same as budgey

rash: same as soldier

willow: would ask if you can turn her into one

Nurse willow: same

magician piggy:asks if you're literal

Bess: says you look pretty as one

puppet piggy: don't know what a mermaid is

kylie: asks if it's a joke

party: says she's joining you

kasey: same as party

fairy piggy:says your a rare and beautiful creature

witch zizzy: conjers a cup of coffee to see if she's asleep

dessa: puts folding chairs closer to  the water

reindessa: same

pumpiggy: says you're a sight for sore eyes

crove: thinks it's all nothing but a joke

mr.stitchy: gets stary eyes

geluda:looks for a spell to make her one to

owell:same as fairy piggy

felix: heavy breathing

frost piggy: same as mister stitchy

primrose:puts on her swim suit and swim with you

jonathan: shocked to find out but still considers you his bride

Macey:Leaves her wepone behind to prevent your electrocution

Brooke: speechless

Stella:same as brooke

Helen:same as brooke

Golem piggy:gose into the ocean slightly

Crystalline lexy:makes a crystal dolphin statue

Hunteress:uses a net and takes you home

Cake piggy: gets inspired for a ocean themed cake

Hara:same as primrose

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