senario20 if they found out your a witch

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penny: asks you not to turn anyone into a frog

george: hides from you

doggy: makes you promise to never use your magic without safety

Zomdoggy:he doesn't get it

sheepy: asks if you hare waiting for Halloween

teacher: same as george

bunny:asks you to make an infant carrot spell

Nightmare bunny:same as sheepy

beary: same as zomdoggy

zompiggy: confused

clowny: asks if you are joking

foxy: hides for his life

pony: says you must promise to never use your magic for evil

Villain pony:says you look cute in your witch robe p

zizzy: same as pony

elly: asks you to make her fly

robby: don't know what magic is

mouse: same as bunny but with cheese

purple mouse:same as mouse

zee&zuzy: are terrified of you

mimi: says your a magic girl not a witch

poley: same as doggy

soldier: asks if you know how to make someone disappear

torcher: same as soldier but he wants get rid of me.p

memory:says you look cute in your witch outfit

glitched memory:same as memory

parasee: thinks your wand is a Pocky

daisy: hiding

badgy: don't believe in magic

billy: panicking

pandy: sa!e as mimi

kitty: asks to be your assistant

dinopiggy:same as parasee but he accidentally brakes it

angle piggy: stays away from you

skelly:wound up in soup

tigry:shrugs sholders

budgey: full on panic

ghosty: same as budgey

rash: same as clowny

willow: says you look cute in your get up

Nurse willow: same as willow

magician piggy: says it's slightly concerning

Bess: ain't coming out of her rabbit hole

puppet piggy: confused

kylie: is under a table

party: asks if you can make the cake change color

kasey: says you look like your about to abition for a Halloween themed ballete show

fairy piggy:says your magic sacres her

witch zizzy: says you were her prefict match the whole time

dessa:same as dessa but it's her car and she's under it

reindessa: says she's not coming out

pumpiggy: says you look hot

crove: says you remind him owell

mr.stitchy: same as parasee

geluda: same as witch zizzy but is more flrtious

owell: same as witch zizzy

felix: same as budgey

frost piggy: same as fairy piggy

primrose: asks if your owells sister

jonathan:asks if you are serious

Macey:has memoirs of the peter pan movies

Brooke:says if anything explodes your cleaning it up

Stella:same as mimi

Helen:says you need your head examind

Golem piggy: don't know what to think

Crystalline lexy:asks if you're a bayonetta cosplayer

Hunteress:says you need to wood on your aim more then your magic

Cake piggy:same as party piggy but also sparkly

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