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Naruto was fighting Sasuke in the Valley of the End
Naruto makes a rasengan combined with The Power of the Kyubi the rasengan turns purple
Sasuke makes a chidori with the power of the second phase of the cursed seal
Each one runs against the other screaming
Naruto Sasuke
And sasuke
screaming Naruto
The rasengan and chidori collide making a great explosion which sent the two shinobi flying
Sasuke falls unconscious but Naruto is still conscious
Naruto with a lot of effort stands up and goes to where Sasuke is to load him and take him to the leaf village
When Naruto is at the door of the village Naruto is already in the last and in front of the door Naruto also falls unconscious
Takashi finds the two shinobi at the gate of the village, he carries Sasuke and takes him to the hospital, leaving Naruto lying on the floor.
After a while, when Cacachi had left, Nata appeared and carried Naruto and took him to the hospital.
Naruto when he wakes up the first thing he does is get out of bed and go to Sasuke's room
When Naruto opens the door to Sasuke's room
Seeing that inside it was Sakura
Hello jacoba, how are you, do you see, I always keep my promises, I brought Sasuke, and we can be a team again
Sakura gets up from the chair and slaps Naruto
Why did you bring my sasuke-kun so hurt
It's true what the villagers say you're a devil
Naruto surprised by Sakura's words tells him
But I brought Sasuke and you told me to bring him Anyway but to bring him
Sakura tells Naruto to leave the room and that she doesn't want to see him again
Naruto when he is in his hospital room an ambu appears telling him that the shinobi council wants to talk to him
Naruto getting out of his bed He walks out the hospital door
Walking through the streets with crutches I saw that some were burning they look at them with hatred
Naruto ignoring us continues walking until he reaches the tower or kg Naruto when he reaches the tower or kg begins to climb the stairs with effort
The man who was with him didn't bother to help him
When Naruto arrives at the door of the council room
Open the door and enter by closing the door behind him
He sees that his godmother his mother is very angry
Telling Naruto that he is exiled from the leaf village that he has only one day to pack up and leave the village and if he is within a 50 mile radius around the village he would send both of them to kill him
Well guys, the cap ends here

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