Farewell Damage

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For the longest time, Changbin thought he wasn't fit for love, that he would die alone, he would go as far as saying that he got used to the thought, even though it wasn't something he necessarily wanted to happen. He was romantic, his friends would know. He wanted somebody he could shower with all the love he's got inside of him. Somebody to write love letters to. Somebody to love with such intensity that you could almost feel it even as an outsider. Somebody he could call his.
Changbin always thought love was a beautiful thing, distant from him it seems, but beautiful nonetheless.
His best friend, Hyoyeon, would always disagree, she knows he'll find love eventually. Hyoyeon watched people fall in love with her best friend everyday. People who he talks to on a daily basis, strangers on the street who let their eyes linger at him a little longer than they normally would, and herself. Hyoyeon has been platonically in love with him since the day she met him. They made an amazing duo, complementing each other perfectly. And Hyo knows the way she's in love with him isn't romantic, like he'd like it to be. it still counts, she thinks, and she hopes that all of their 3am talks and all of the nights she spent telling him how lovable he was would pay off. She knew that he deserved good things, he was a genuinely good person and he deserved nothing but happiness and love. And at the end of the day, Changbin would always have her.
Changbin enjoyed going to night clubs and watching people on the dance floor. Watch those couples dance together like there's no tomorrow. They looked light, free, like they had not a thing to worry about. Like the only thing that truly mattered was them together at that moment. Changbin wishes he could experience that, being one out of two people who others watch from the bar and think about how beautiful they are. All he ever wanted was to feel. To want and to be wanted. His mind would tell him it wasn't gonna happen, while his heart would tell him to hold onto his desires a little longer.

As for Seungmin, he wasn't very fond of love, in fact, he saw it as something similar to looking evil in the eyes. His perspective of it comes from what he's seen during his life. All the people he cared about get hurt by the supposedly amazing feeling they would call love. Besides, he just didn't see the hype. Being so devoted to someone like that didn't sound fun or nearly as marvelous as some people would tell him. He thought it was a stupid thing to do, giving yourself to somebody like that. He was a lone wolf, and he didn't mind it. He liked loneliness, being alone with his thoughts every once in a while. He'll always see romance as a waste of his time. Was he a bad person for having these thoughts? Sometimes he'd feel that way. But that's not something you could really change overnight.

Those two people were far from each other, personality wise. The fact they even crossed paths in the first place was an unusual, surprising thing.

Seungmin was at a park, sitting on a bench and staring at the lake in front of him. For some reason, watching the clear water slightly move with the breeze always made him feel calm. It had a good effect on him. He just felt at peace.
Suddenly, he felt like he was being watched. A curious stare, from, most likely, a stranger he's never seen. He turned around and it turned out he was right. A black haired boy with sharp eyes and a little scar on his chin who looked about his age was staring at him, and as soon as Seungmin looked back at him, He seemed to shy away almost immediately, probably from the embarrassment from being caught. Seungmin looked to his left and saw a blonde girl who was laughing at the stranger's reaction to being caught. He smiled a little, they didn't seem like a couple to him. Seungmin is sure people would assume that because you know, they're a girl and a boy sitting together at a park. But to him, they looked like they're best friends, maybe for a long period of time already. There was a certain lightness to the way they acted around each other. It was a undeniably cute thing to witness.

Hyoyeon calmed her laugh down before saying "I think he saw you, Binnie." She said, still laughing slightly. She felt bad, but it was funny seeing Changbin flustered like that.
"Oh no shit, Sherlock." Changbin replied. "You should stop laughing and help me out here, you're gonna make it even more obvious I was staring."
Hyoyeon chuckled. "Bin, he literally looked you in the eye. He knows you were staring," As soon as she said that, she got closer to him and lowered her voice. "Why were you staring, by the way? Was it his purple hair? It looks pretty cool if I do say so myself"
Changbin visibly blushed at her question "He just looks... Interesting, I guess?" He sighed. "I don't really know what it is, something just pulled me in."
Hyoyeon pinched his cheeks, just to annoy him "You're so cute, Changbin." As she stopped assaulting her friend's cheeks, she looked at her side and noticed the stranger who sparked Changbin's interest glancing at them both.
Hyoyeon smiled and waved at him, like they knew each other. The boy looked confused for a second, but still did the same thing which made her laugh.
"How can you be like that?" Asked Changbin, who was caressing his cheeks from her early attack.
Hyoyeon looked at him with confusion, "Like what?"
"You're just so easygoing and likable. You just waved at him like you've known him for ages! I actually really envy that about you." Changbin replied
Hyoyeon smiled. "Oh you know, I just like making people comfortable, even strangers. I like making strangers feel like they can just come up to me and start a conversation. It's fun," she then patted her friend's back gently. "You really don't need to be outgoing to be likable Changbin. All you need to do is look like you're likable and fun. And you most certainly do! That's why I came up to you that sunny day of April 23rd, 2014 at 16:43 in the afternoon."
It was now his turn to look confused. "You know what time it was?!"
"No, I totally made that up." They both started laughing.

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