Meeting The Clones

74 4 17

This one is pretty short!

I walked besides Master Kenobi as he led me to where his troops were, observing the Christophsis land. It's quite beautiful out here, I thought, unconsciously running my hand over the wall.

"It is, isn't it?" agreed Master Kenobi glancing back over at me. My eyes widened and looked away, blushing slightly. 

"I said that out loud didn't I?" I said sheepishly, glancing at my master. He laughed, setting his hand on my shoulder.

"You did, but don't fret. You remind me of my self." he reassured, clasping his hands behind his back. I looked at him, surprised.

"I do? How?"

"You're curious, but you don't do anything to cause risks. I was like that when I was a padawan," he explained, his eyes gaining a far away look. He shook his head, glancing at me again out the corner of his eyes. 

"Who was your master?" I asked, the sound of clone voices filling my montrals. He smiled sadly, gesturing for us to walk through an alley way.

"Qui-Gon Jinn," he replied.

"Qui-Gon... Qui-Gon... I've heard that name before, but where?" I muttered, stroking my chin lightly.

"He was trained by Count Dooku before he left the Order and joined the Dark Side. He was killed on Naboo by Darth Maul," he explained softly. I frowned, and reached out to set my hand on his arm but quickly withdrew it, not wanting to overstep my boundaries. "He was a great Jedi."

"I'm sorry," I started, hesitating a bit. "That must've been terrible." Suddenly, a loud yell interuptted our conversation, making me jump. Master Kenobi just shook his head before walking forward.

"Don't worry," he reassured, turning back to face me, noticing my hesitation. "That's just the men. They might seem a little... much, but they will like you, Alarya. You needn't worry." I sighed, smiling a bit. 

"Thanks, I guess I'm just nervous," I confessed. "I know as Jedi we're not supposed to be scared, but, what if they don't like me? What if I'm not a good enough Captain? What if-"

"Alarya," said Master Kenobi sternly, giving me a sharp stare. "They will love you, so I don't want to hear any more of these what if's. All right?"


"No buts, Alarya. You don't need to worry about them not liking you. They've always wanted a sister, you will become their sister so don't try to fight it, so you don't need to worry. Now come on, I think that we've kept them waiting for long enough, don't you?" My master asked, turning away from me and clasping his hands behind him. 

I let out a shaky exhale, shaking off my nerves and nodding my head. "Yeah, yeah, we've probably kept them waiting for long enough." He nodded his head and started to head to the clones. I exhaled once more before following behind him. 

We walked in comfortable silence, the loud noises of the clones getting louder with each step we took. When we turned a corner, we came face to face with a large group of identical men in white plastoid armor. I suddenly felt small and started to inch behind Master Kenobi who chuckled and led us towards a clone with white and orange armor who was talking with two other clones.

"General Kenobi," said the first clone, snapping to attention, the other two doing so as well. 

"At ease, Cody," Master Kenobi waved his hand, dismissing their salutes. "How is everything going over here?"

"So far so good, General. The seppies haven't launched another attack but we have a feeling that they will soon enough." the clone, Cody, explained, handing some binoculars to my Master. "Who's the kid?" he asked, finally noticing me. 

I hesitated, before taking a couple steps towards Cody. "My name is Alarya Tano. I'm Master Kenobi's new Padawan learner. It is a pleasure to meet you, Cody." I gave him a small smile, still nervous. I saw Cody's eyes flicker over to Master Kenobi, a mix of amusement and confusion in them.

"You're taking on a new Padawan already sir? So soon after Skywalker?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I frowned.

"What do you mean, 'So soon after Skywalker?'" I asked, crossing my arms.

"His former Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, was only, what do you Jedi call it... knighted a couple weeks ago. I didn't expect him to take one on so soon," he explained, looking between Master Kenobi and I.

"Skywalker..." I frowned once again, trying to remember where I had heard the name recently. I had obviously heard it during my temple studies "Legendary Anakin Skywalker, Padawan of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi" and what not but I hadn't done Temple Studies for a couple weeks now. "Skywalker... Ahsoka's new master?" I turned towards Master Kenobi for confirmation. He nodded. 

"Who's Ahoka?" asked Cody, confusion written all over his face.

"Ahsoka Tano, my twin sister. We were both dropped off not too long ago to give Masters Kenobi and Skywalker a message and to receive our new Masters. We definitely weren't expecting this," I gestured to Christophsis. Cody looked like he was about to say something else but Obi-Wan's commlink went off before he could.

"Obi-Wan, we've got a problem," came Skywalkers voice from my masters comm. 

"Anakin, what's going on?" asked Master Kenobi.

"The droids are moving forward, heading towards the capital," he explained. I frowned as Cody and Master Kenobi glanced at each other.

"How many?" 

"A lot. But that's not the main problem," Said Skywalker. 

"Anakin," started my Master, sounding accusatory. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" He retorted. "Why is it whenever something bad happens you always blame me?" 

"Cause you're the one whos always getting into trouble, General," deadpanned Cody. Or he could've been joking, I wasn't really sure. 

"Yeah, yeah, thanks Cody. But listen, the droids are ray shielded. Our heavy canons won't do any damage," Skywalker exclaimed. I shared a glance with Cody. If they have a ray shield, this is going to be a lot harder than they thought. 

"That's not good. We're on our way. Don't do anything stupid." Obi-Wan frowned, turning off his commlink before Skywalker could reply. He looked at me, gesturing for me to follow him. "Come on, we need to hurry." I nodded, before running after him trying to not lose him in the jumble of clones trying to get to their stations. 


Hey y'all! Sorry it took so long for me to update. School's been a pain, I started Lacrosse and it's just been hard to write recently. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about this chapter. I might go back and edit it tomorrow but I don't know. This chapter was originally really cringy and I can't tell if it still is. But also THE BAD BATCH IS SO GOOD. THEY BETTER SAVE CROSSHAIR. PM ME IF YOU WANT TO RANT ABOUT BB CAUSE I'M DOWN FOR THAT. That said, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me if you think I should switch to third person or keep it as first. I'm still not sure yet. Stay safe and have a great rest of your day/night/whatever time it is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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