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He gazed down on the floor again for the 2849329 times today and bit his lips, tears threatening to fall from the memories. "I have a nightmare...", he said as he looked up at Jungkook. Tears filling his eyes. "Oh, Yoongi...", he said as he hugged him. Yoongi hesitated at first, but then he hugged Jungkook back, face on Jungkook's chest. He sobbed softly, he hasn't feels this warm for a long time. "You want to talk about it?", Jungkook said after some time... Yoongi broke the hug and shook his head.

"Alright, get in, that's fine.", Jungkook said. Yoongi went in when Jungkook closed the door. He stood there, not sure of what should he do. "Get on the bed, Yoongi...", Jungkook said, Yoongi blushed and made his way to the bed. He laid there awkwardly, hugging his blanket. "I could put pillow between us if it's more comfortable with you...", Jungkook said, being considerate. Yoongi shook his head.

"T-that's fine...", Yoongi said. Jungkook stared at Yoongi- God he really has to hold himself, Jungkook thought. He pulled Yoongi closer by the waist. Yoongi should be protesting, but he's too tired to protest. So, he snuggled in and fell asleep in Jungkook's scent. Jungkook smiled and fell asleep awhile later. The tomorrow, Yoongi woke up with a pair of eyes staring onto his soul. He flinched back a bit,

Jungkook smiled. "Are you awake?", Jungkook asked. Yoongi nodded and cutely rubbed his eyes with his small fist. "We need to eat breakfast now... the maids are back now.", Jungkook said, but Yoongi only nodded and his eyes still closed. Jungkook chuckled. "Wake up, Yoonie...", Jungkook said as he shook Yoongi. Yoongi whined. Jungkook decided to carry him.

He settled him on his hip, putting Yoongi's small blanket over his back. Yoongi's chin rested on Jungkook's shoulder, with pouty lips. "What do you want to do after I'm back?", Jungkook asked. Yoongi's actually still asleep, but he heard the question. So, his brain slowly processed. "Wan' cuddles...", Yoongi said unconsciously, eyes still closed. The swag Yoongi is long gone.

Jungkook chuckled again, cooed at how cute Yoongi is. He sat Yoongi down on the chain in the dining room, fixed his blanket on his back a bit. Yoongi's eyes are still closed. "Yoongi, open your eyes, you need to eat...", Jungkook said. Because it's still early, it's fine if he slowed down and rushing after. Yoongi put some food in his mouth and chewed slowly, eyes still closed. Jungkook shook his head and chuckled lightly. He's so cute, please.

After the breakfast, with still sleepy Yoongi. Jungkook stood up. "I need to go now, you can sleep in my room if you want...", Jungkook said, Yoongi nodded. "Give him snacks if he wants, keep him away from sharp things...", Jungkook said to his 2 maids. "Yes, sir.", both of the maids said. "Be safe, Kookie...", Yoongi said with a small, shy voice. Jungkook looked at him for a moment and hugged him. "I'll be back safe and sound...", Jungkook said. He doesn't know why it's always hard to leave Yoongi alone.

Yoongi blushed. Jungkook left. The maids' gaze changed almost immediately. Yoongi can feel the coldness in their eyes, so he avoided them and just went to the living room to watch something. Meanwhile, Jungkook, it's really calm in the hospital today, until the asshole comes. He literally comes just to mess with Jungkook. Jungkook told the security to kick him out.

"You should be careful of me. You don't know what will I do to your little guy.", Jake said as he smirked and left. Meanwhile Yoongi... he's having a blast alone. He went to Jungkook's room and curiously went to his big closet. He found lots and lots of suit, ties, watches, even expensive perfumes.

Yoongi always liked Jungkook's smell. He can't describe it, but it makes him wants to stick with Jungkook 24/7. He thought of something and bit his lips, wondering will Jungkook mad at him if he does what his mind said. "Fuck it", he said to himself. But then, before he could do anything, the bell rings again, he jumped a bit. He'll never get used at the mansion bell's sound.

He rushed out, thinking it was Jungkook forgetting something, but when the maid opened the door... "Joon!... and Jin?", Yoongi titled his head, wondering how they know each other. "I met him on the front. Saying he's your guardian's friend's brother.", Jin said. "Jungkook is not home...", he said to them both. "I told him I'll come here to see you before...", Jin said. "Neither I", Joon added and shrugged.

So, they're all huddled up in the living room. Jin clinging to Yoongi. Jin talked to Yoongi about how Jungkook treating him or is he okay. Yoongi said that he's happy with Jungkook, but he's not 100% sure, yet. He wants to make sure that he can trust Jungkook 100%, so none of the past happen again. He cuddled up to Joon. Jin trusted Joon as his "safe-person". In Jin's eyes, Joon looks like husband material with 5 kids, again. He wondered if he already has a kid, that's why Yoongi's so comfortable around him.

But, he saw no rings in his ring finger. He appreciates Joon's dimple, it sometimes shows up whenever he talks, or his handsome face, his charismatic look- argghh he's drooling over Joon now. "Jin-sshi?", Joon called, snapping Jin out of his thoughts. "Just, hyung... yeah?", Jin asked. "You okay? You've been staring at me for quiet awhile...", Joon said. Shit, Jin thought. He's too obvious.

Meanwhile, Yoongi who sits between Joon's legs stared at them both. He smiled sheepishly, knowing Jin's already whipped for Joon. "He likes you...", Yoongi said. It's their first time of meeting, but Jin already so whipped for Joon. Jin whipped his head to Yoongi. Yoongi's having fun teasing his hyung. "Wh-what are you talking about?", Jin said as he stood up. "I-I have to go now... I'll see you next time, Yoongi, be good.", Jin said to Yoongi, cheeks red, he's flustered.

Namjoon's flustered too, I mean they just met-. Love is a strong word. "Yoongi, I also need to go now...", Joon said and Yoongi nodded. "Byee, Joon...bye hyung...", Yoongi said. So, they left the house. "Do you need a ride, hyung?", Joon asked. "It's fine, I need to go back to the adoption center.", Jin said. Yoongi explained to Joon who's Jin. And they got to know each other better.

"I live 500m from there, it's fine...", Joon asked, and who's Jin to decline? In the other hand, Jungkook is relieved because someone is with his Yoongi now, he's bothered by what Jake said. He thought that he could kill his mother, what's stopping him to kill Yoongi? Yoongi's bored now, then he remembered the things he wants to do before the bell rings. He went back to Jungkook's closet.

He changed to one of his work white long-sleeved shirt and tried the red tie on. He's only wearing boxer since the shirt is long enough. He stood in front of the mirror and giggled. It's so oversized and he likes it. He plopped down on the bed. He smells like Jungkook now. He went back to the living room. Feeling bored now. He went to kitchen to look for some snacks. He found lots on the hanging cabinet, but he needs to climb onto something to get it. He's too small for it. He pouted.

Helooked at the maids. They're just chilling, painting their nails. Not even want to notice Yoongi's presence. He went to one of them who's quiet tall. He spoketo her politely, asking if she could help him to get the snack. The maidscoffed. "What's this? You wear his clothes? Disgusting slut.", she said.The other maid scoffed and she looked away. Yoongi's unfazed by their words, he heard that a lot. He wentback to the cabinet and climbed up to the counter. He got the snacks, but hefell down. Landed on his wrist first.

Feel free to comment and I love y all :3

Word count : 1338

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