Chapter 7

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"What a beautiful day." I close my eyes and feel the sun warming me up as I look outside my window. I take a sip of my coffee as I lean on the window frame.

It's eight in the morning and watching the beautiful blue skies soothes me. I'm glad there's no class on our first subject, so I only have classes this afternoon. I can probably enjoy this view for the whole day.

But then my lips curve into a smile when I remember about last night.

Lisa was not a mean person as I thought. She has her reasons and I truly understand that now. It just amazes me how I look like her late best friend which causes her to act that way.

"It must've been hard for her," I mutter, pondering about Lisa's situation. I can't bear the thought that my best friend died in front of me. My heart aches just thinking about it.

I take a sip of my coffee until I hear a knock on my door. Putting my coffee on the table, I walk my way to the door as I open it, and peek. And there, I see a pretty woman smiling at me.

"Lisa?" she beams while scratching her temple.

"Good morning."

"What are you doing here?" I ask, opening the door completely with a grin.

"Fetching you?" She shrugs, and I just chuckle.

"What? You don't have to do that." Lisa only sighs as she looks away and rubs her nape.

"I have to because Rosie is mad at me and worried about you."

"Huh?" I ask, tilting my head.


Before Lisa was about to retort, someone was rushing towards the dorm's hallway and screaming my name.

"Hey, Ro. Good mor— Oh." Rosie suddenly hugs me. I just hug her back until she breaks it and looks at me worriedly.

"How are you feeling? Did they touch you? Hurt you?" She asks, checking up on me from head to toe. But what is she talking about?

"What? Wait, what do you mean who and they?" I ask them with my eyebrow knitted. The two look at each other with suspicious eyes until Rosie squints at Lisa.

"You didn't tell her?" Rosie whispers, but I can hear them though. Lisa shrugs and shakes her head while stealing glances at me.

"She doesn't have to." Rosie's jaw clenches as she grips on Lisa's shoulders and shakes her in fury.

"For goodness sake, Lalisa! If she doesn't know about it, that will happen again!" Rosie seethes but I just pull them away with my eyes flickering from Rosie to Lisa.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Jennie... I..." Lisa's lips are shaking. Is she afraid to say something? But then I hear Rosie grumble as she turns me to face her uneasy look.

"Jackson drugged you! It's his habit to mix a party drug on that freaking red cup, Jen! And I thought Lisa warned you about it already, so I didn't bother to talk about it. But I heard a rumor that you passed out, so I ran all the way here and ran into Lisa."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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