Chapter 2

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I feel like I'm dreaming. I can't believe to see Ruby Jane again after three years. But... what is the meaning of this?

"Um. Are you... okay?" she asks, tilting her head.

Her eyebrows shift sadly, her feline eyes shows worry. But they have the same sweet voice that melts and crushes me at the same time. My heart pinches at it.

"Here. You can have my hanky," she says in a gentle manner while handing her handkerchief to me. But I frown at it.

"What would I do with that?"

"Um, to wipe your tears?"

"What?" I check my cheeks, embarrassed to feel the damp. "Oh. Um, no thanks."

I quickly wipe my tears while she retreats her hanky. I never notice that I'm already crying. I'm too caught up by her presence to notice my surroundings or me.

"Hey, um, I don't know what you've been through, but please stay positive. Everything will pass, so keep up the good work."

I just watch her in surprise. As a pessimist, Ruby Jane tends to cheer me up in life which I admire at how she sees life brightly.

So, she never changes. But why the hell does she act like she doesn't know me? What the hell is going on?

"Lisa, a pack of customers are lining up. Hurry up!" Moonbyul manager notes from the kitchen, interrupting me from my trance.

But she's right. A lot of customers are waiting for their turn while Ruby Jane is stuck with me. I almost forgot that I'm at work.

"Yes, miss!" Composing myself, I bring my professional self as I think of Ruby Jane as my valued customer.

"Um, an iced coffee and... a... a slice of red velvet cake. Is that it?" I can't believe she's ordering her dislikes.

Ruby Jane hates iced coffee. For her, hot coffee is sacred and the caffeine works better at higher temperatures. And when it comes to cakes, she always chooses chocolates.

She then hums, nodding. Her gummy smile never fails to melt me. "Yeah."

"O-okay. I'll bring your order later on. You can have a seat."


She walks away and sits on the corner. I grab Seulgi to the counter as we switch places on making coffees and serving customers. I prepare Ruby Jane's order while keeping on glancing at her.

But it's been so long since I felt so alive. Ruby Jane's death died me too, but now that she's back, I can see that spark of hope starting to light up again.

As I keep on doing my job on the counter, I can't help but glance at Ruby Jane. I badly want to go to her, but these endless customers are on my way.

I just keep on watching her sipping her iced coffee and reads a book with those cute rounded specs.

The sight is so new to me. Ruby Jane was never a literate person, so she prefers partying and all but that.

Her phone rings, and I get to witness her gummy smile which makes me want to tear up again. But I leave the counter to follow her to the restroom.

There, she washes her hands and dries them with a paper towel until she sees me.

"Oh, hey. It's you."

She smiles after throwing the used paper towel into the trash. But my heart races to meet her gaze. I take a deep breath, holding back my tears.

"Ruby Jane." It feels so right uttering her name. But to her, it seems not.

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