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The rest of the lesson played out normally, but you were still very uncomfortable in your seat. Constantly feeling his sharp stare at the back of your neck takes a toll on you. Finally, the bell rung.

That was the longest class of your life. As soon as homeroom ended, Yuuma hopped off his seat and signaled Remi to get up. He turned towards you and noticed your awkward posture. Your shoulders were pushed back and your backside wasn't leaning against your chair. You looked down at your desk, packing away your items.

"Uh, you alright, Y/n? You look a little.. stiff," Yuuma pointed at you and made a face. You raised your head and looked him in the eye, begging him to shut up. "If this is about what I did before class, I'm sorry. I swear, it won't happen again, darling~" Yuuma grinned and held your arm gently, trying to pull you out of your seat.

"No, Yuuma, it it's not-.. it's not that," You were worried about speaking too loud, considering Mieko was still gathering his items directly behind you. Yuuma raised an eyebrow. You were halfway off of your seat, Yuuma's hand still clasped onto your arm. "During the lesson I—" You were cut off by Mieko walking up to the other side of your desk. He tapped his fingers on your desk.

Yuuma quickly shot him a look and Mieko gave him the nastiest glare you've ever seen. "Would you like to eat lunch with me, Y/n?" Mieko asked, holding out his hand and giving you a gentle grin. How could his expression change so quickly, so effortlessly..? "Erm. Look behind you, dude," Yuuma said, pointing at the group of students staring at Mieko. "They all want to have lunch with you," Yuuma grimaced. Mieko ignored him and the mob and kept holding out his hand, waiting for you to take it.

You didn't know what to do. Yuuma's grip tightens around your forearm as he stares at Mieko. You were uncomfortable, but this was your chance to try clearing things up. "S-sure, Mieko," you stuttered. You weren't ecstatic to accept the offer, but you had to talk about what happened earlier. After lunch, you'll tell Yuuma and Remi and what's going on. Yes, that sounds like a plan.

Yuuma's grip lightened and he inched away. "Well, okay. Meet Remi and I in the courtyard when you're finished," he said, looking disappointed. "Of course," you nodded at him and Remi, who was sipping from an apple juice box, watching this go down with wide eyes.

"Great! Come with me, then," Mieko exclaimed as you hesitantly set your hand on his. He helped you off your chair and you two walked out of the room. You could hear about a dozen sighs as you left.

Mieko held your hand as you stood outside of homeroom. "Which way is the cafeteria.." He asked, rubbing the back of his head, looking embarrassed. You shook your hand out of his. "You don't need to be.. doing that, you know," You fiddled with the pleats of your skirt. You felt so uncomfortable right now. "Hm? Doing what?" Mieko tilts his head, smirking. You scoffed and started walking, leading the way to the cafeteria. He followed close behind.

"Hey, who's that guy that was touching you earlier?"

You look up at him as you both slide into a booth in the cafeteria. "Huh? Oh, that's just Yuuma. We're good friends, he's naturally flirty like that," You shrugged. Mieko's expression dropped. He twirled his red tie, which hung loosely around his collar. "Good friends? He obviously likes you. I bet you two touch all the time. I bet he just loves seeing your flustered little face whenever he—" You cut him off, slamming your palms on the table. Mieko stared at you, unfazed.

"That's enough. What's your deal, anyway? You have no business talking about my friends at all. I mean, you pulled my hair today in class. And this is your first day here! Who does that?!" You ramble. A slow smile creeps on Mieko's face. He puts his elbow on the table and leans his face against his hand. "Why, did you like it?" He said, a smug look on his face. Your face was painted red.

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