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Ballora: ShE wAnTs tO sEe ThE wOrLd~

F.Foxy: ShE wAnTs tO fInAlLy Be FrEe~

F.Freddy: ShE wAnTs tO lEaVe tHe uNdErGrOuNd fOr aLl eTeRnItY~

Ballora: YoU aRe tHe aNsWeR tO pRaYeRs WhIsPeReD iN tHe DaRk~

F.Freddy/F.Foxy: Can you repair~...

Ennard: Repair a broken heart?~

Baby: ...Khe?

Noches de humor bitches :D [FIve nights at Freddy's Sister location]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora