Chapter 3 : Quarrel in the City Plaza

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Along with time, although sparse, I saw a few people did visit the place. They mostly consisted of people wearing high-class clothes while some seemed to be liberators. Well, considering that Illiterate people were a dime a dozen in the Middle Ages, this could be considered quite a lot.

"I think I've got enough information about this world or at least this kingdom. To summarize it up, the Vatenxia Kingdom is a nation founded around two hundred years ago. Originally the land around this kingdom is called a 'Wilderness Land' — a land mostly untouched by human's hands and occupied by monsters and dungeons. It was said that a mighty liberator, the founder of this kingdom, led a party of powerful liberators, wiped out the monsters around, and liberated countless dungeons. Thus, he became the king of this land while his colleagues became his vassals."

With a thump, I closed the book and placed it back into the bookshelf where it was taken. Then, I took out my phone to see how much time had passed since I got into this world. Five hours, huh? I'm exhausted — better to call it a day.

"See you later, Miss Ella."

"Humph! Like hell, I'd like to see you again." So rude...

No longer minding the words of the Saucy Mage — Xenaella — I exited the library.


The yellow sunshine of the barely setting sun dazzled my eyes the moment I left the library. Not showing a sign of closing, the plaza became more active than ever.

I'd checked my phone earlier and realized that time moved almost the same as Earth. If the time when I got into the library was at noon, then right now would be around five in the afternoon. There was no clock so far; I couldn't precisely determine the time.

"I wonder, are there any clocks in this world? Though even if it exists, it must be a valuable commodity," I mused to myself.

At that moment, I heard a commotion not too far away from the central plaza. Curious, I tried tracing the origin of the sound and found a bar.

Suddenly, with a loud bang! a figure of a person was sent flying out of the building, breaking the wooden door in the process. He was thrown so fast that he slammed right into the stand across the building, destroying the foundation and stuff that might be inside.

"What's going on? Fighting?" I didn't know who said that, but it did trigger people to inspect the broken stand.

"Aahh! My stand!" A thin, middle-aged man that looked to be the stand owner held his head with a pained expression and came running toward the broken stand, rummaging it.

"Hey! How dare you destroy my stand?! Compensate me!" The stand owner shook an unconscious teenage waiter found under the rubble.

Seriously? He's badly injured, and you want compensation? No, who threw him, and why?

"U-Uh... Cough! Cough!" In response, the waiter got woken up. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't do it intentionally... Please don't beat me!" Fear in his eyes, the waiter covered his face with his hands.

"What are you saying?"

At that moment, a tough-looking guy wearing a thick leather cap with a scar on his face walked out of the building. He stood to be two meters tall with burly muscle all over his body and a giant battle-axe on his back. It was a wonder how he could get into the building in the first place.

Next came a rather fat, short dude with a long, curly mustache. He was clad in a purple round hat and a luxurious garment that showed his high status. I could see a fancy small dagger on his waist, looking to be more of an ornament than a weapon.

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