Hissten's heart (Kimi's Voice)

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*Hissten and Ka are meant to be married in a few hours as the group gets ready Yado gives Hissten something*

Yado - here i want you to have this....

Hissten - isn't this the...

Yado - my dads.....*sighs*yea........ 

Hiss - you sure ??

Yado - yeah.... i'm sure

Hiss - thank you....

Yado - what are bestman for ?? *they hug* why didn't you tell me about you and Ka ?? we always tell each other everything... 

Hiss - i wanted to but i promised him that it only be between  us til we were ready. besides i didn't know how you'd react 

Yado - what do you mean you know i accept you. Hell i knew you were gay since we were little..

Hiss - true but there was that one time with that mortal....

Yado - hey i thought we agreed never to speak of that ever again...

Hiss - you punched him in the face... but then again he did deserved it cuz you were uncomfortable and i even kept telling him to back off.

Kimi - *walks in upon seeing Hissten begins to tear up*  oh you look  handsome... i can't express how torn i am right now...

Yado - why are you torn ??

Kimi - cuz i'm so happy Hiss found his love yet i'm so bitter that i'm single....

*both boys roll their eyes*

Hiss - well thank you Kimi.. i'm ssure you will find you'll find your prince charming... *Looks at Yado*

Kimi - *sniffling* you think ??

Yado - of course you are an amazing, sweet, beautiful woman and besides you're famous!! any guy would be a fool not to be with you but they'll need yo get thru us lol *hiss nods

Kimi - *chuckles* thanks *they hug*

*Ami walks in with Kat* -  are we ready ??

Hiss - asss i'll ever be... wait where's Leona and the kids ??

Kat - she had to tend to something they'll be here for the ceremony

Yado - lets get you married bud 

*Hissten looks at Kat* will you give me away ??

Kat - *gasp* Hiss..

Ami - do it 

Kimi - yes please

Hiss - you are a second mother to us all well third to me and Yado

Kat - yes of course

Yado - alright lets go

*they take thier places Ka looking handsome in his suit, Kimi begins sings as Hissten and Kat enter Yado smiles and looks behind him at Ami who grabs his paw as they get to the alter the wedding begins*

Preist - King Hissten Ashida do you take Ka to be your husband till death do you depart ?

Hiss - i do 

Preist - Do you General Ka take Hissten as your king and husband to love and be by his side tradition as long as you live ?

Ka - I do

Preist by power of Hisstia i pronounce you king and consort you may kiss your king

*they kiss and begin their March down the rest are cheering and throwing pebbles just then the doors fly open and standing in the doorway Selene and Lonni *

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