Chapter 3; The Halls

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I opened my eyes slowly to find I was lying on the icy floorboards of a dingy hall way, in attempt to sit up, I cried out as every limb in my body was in agony, making my way to my feet, I stumbled a few inches down the hall, but soon enough my legs gave way and I found my way back to the floor, pushing my self against the cold wall, I scanned my surroundings, I appeared to be in a long cramped hall with little light from the occasional window, there was a deafening silence, as I felt around the floor there were small puddles of liquid, which I only imagine was rain water from leeks above (as it was clearly an old house). I continued to reach my hands across the floor, when suddenly I felt something almost recognisable, I pulled it closer and strained my eyes,

“My bag!”  cried out with joy, as I placed it over my shoulder and began adventuring down the halls.

As I reached about mid way of the hall, I fell to my knees,

“Mum, please be okay…” I cried out in a burst of fear “…I don’t know where I am, pleases anyone!” Finding my feet I continued to wander aimlessly down the halls, before long I saw something on the floor in the distance, my heart raced as I began to run closer I was sure it was a person lying there uncurious, as I got closer and closer I soon realised it was a person, but they certainly were not breathing as I got closer, I bent over and rolled it so the face was looking at me, as soon as I did I knew it was a mistake, where the face was suppose to-                                           - be was replaced by a mangled mess of blood and gore, turning away quickly I began to scream and cry, I collapsed, I sat there for what felt like years. “Where am I?” I said in complete and utter terror. “I best search it… I mean him or her, I mean they could help….” Holding my breath I began to search the decrepit body, to find a torch ,  dental floss, a crumpled piece of paper and not much else . Opening the piece of paper I found it said;

Dear Mother and Father I have been here for around a week everyone I was with has passed on, do not worry though I have accepted my fait, apparently if you die here you feel the pain of when you died for eternity, but do not worry I am going to hang my self so I do not have to feel the pain of being mauled on or whatever, do not fear for me I will be with Amy and Sam yes they where here to and soon you….

The page was too bloody at the bottom to read anymore,

“Feel the pain forever, wait you clearly didn’t hang yourself so how did you die?!” I said in desperation as a loud crash came from behind “Hello?!” I said whilst walking slowly backwards. There was another crash but ever so closer this time, in fear of my life I began to run. Soon enough I came across a bland door which I opened wide before slamming it behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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