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Dahlia and Lily Evans were perfectly normal. Well  that was until the morning of their 11th birthday, when a tall woman with the tightest bun Dahlia had ever seen appeared at the other side of the door of their family home. In a state of confusion the Evan's were prepared to turn her away, another political campaign they assumed, but when a cat appeared, paws placed exactly where her feet were, they quickly ushered her into the house wondering what the hell this women needed with there family.

Its grey paws sprung proudly as the cat ventured into the home, finding its own comfort in the surrounding. Dahlia and Lily's older sister Petunia let out a blood curdling scream from the living room as once again the strange woman appeared in place the cat. Dahlia and Lily stood by the doorframe, they had never been called upon before, yes some friends had come round and asked them to come outside to play but they had always known about that, this was different, this was a stranger who somehow knew there names and where they lived. 'Stranger danger my arse' Dahlia thought to herself as her parents seemed perfectly content with allowing this strange woman into their home. 

The feeling of Lily's fingers curling round her own seemed to snap Dahlia from her thoughts as she realises the tight bun women was talking to them;

"This news will most likely come to a shock for your whole family-"

"Oh thank god that aunt Bessie has died, I swear 101 years old and she still acts like she has the energy of a 20 years old I couldn't do it anymore", a long elated sigh left Dahlias mouth but as her eyes scanned the room surrounding her, a look of confusion was still set on everyone's faces. Maybe aunt Bessie wasn't dead ...

"I'm sorry to break it to you miss Evan's but that is not what I came here to tell you" the women's broad Scottish accent fitted her quite.

"Where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself, my names Professor Mcgonagall , teacher at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry"

"Witchcraft and wizardry" the evans father repeated as if this was some sort of elaborate prank

"I know this may come as a shock to your whole family but Lily and Dahlia are witches"

Dahlia could have sworn she heard a pin drop, or maybe the expression is haunting her, at this moment in time anything is possible she reckons.

"when they were younger any weird occurrences that happened , any strange situations that made you think that you weee seeing things was there magic"

From beside her Dahlia heard Lily snickering under her breath, Dahlia swiftly dug her heel into Lily's toes

"Ouch Jesus Dahlia"

All heads turned to look at the two girls who still for some reason were placed in the door frame, there cheeks now as flushed as their hair from the sudden attention.

"sorry professor I was just thinking about the time i managed to send a full colony bees to chase lia around the garden because she decided to make a flower crown without me "

"Lils seriously no need I've still got the scars from the stings they won't budge"

With a tight smile mcgonagall looks at the two quarrelling twins

"I'm sure you will find something to sort those scars soon miss evans , now that the news is out the way as this is the girls 11th birthday they have been formally accepted into Hogwarts, the term starts on September 1st so you girls have a lot of time to settle into this new adventure, on the back of these letters there is a list of school supplies that can be obtained from diagon allley , I will hopefully see both of you on September first"

With a nod of her head the witch dissspeared leaving the family in a state of shock over there newfound secret.

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