The base

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I was walking down to the street to meet my band for practice but half way down the street near the coffee shop I saw a new girl through the window. I hadn't seen anyone like her here, she caught my eye and I couldn't stop staring. I decided to walk over to her but as I was opening the coffee shop door I was quickly stopped by Julie apparently me being sick wasn't an excuse to be late and she looked just about ready to go on a rant to me. Honestly I couldn't be bothered with one of her rants so early in the morning.

I couldn't care less all I was caring about was getting to that girl, I pushed Julie out of the way and ran up to the girl. Her hair was a bright pink like the type of pink you would see in a unicorn toys maine and she was wearing a denim jacket dress with high black boots and a tacky blue belt. she also smelled like tea, green tea it was a lemon green tea specifically (most likely because we were in the shop) so I said to her:

"Oh hey! I haven't seen you around"

She looked at me like she has heard that question her whole life and was done with it but she mumbled:

"Ha. Yeah I'm new"

But before I could even ask her out she left the shop. I couldn't stop but think I ruined my only chance with that girl, so I went on with my day to band practice but she kept on getting stuck in my head. Whenever I tried to play at least one string I hesitated. My band mate noticed me just obliviously starring off into the void and she grabbed me


I couldn't believe she was yelling at me like that. I understood why but she was still being to much and are drummer Kai was also looking quite confused, she has never yelled at me or Kai like that before she claimed she had news for us tho she looked at us both and started to explain:

"Both of you need to take this more seriously, there's a competition we can enter to try and get a record deal and if we win you can see that little crush of You'rs y-n"

I started to stutter how did she know I had a crush how was that possible I never said I had a crush I never even suggested it but she somehow she knew and now Kai knew as well.

I couldn't think straight if everyone knew about it then would she know? By now I knew she was from the small city of Toronto, and now to New York I couldn't dare to think of how many people could know by now.

But if she knew I guess it could of been ok, maybe if she knew I could just tell her next time I see her I could tell her how in love I am with her. Like the stereotypical love at first sight way I was in love with her.

I walked home I didn't live in a big house or in a nice suburban area I did however live in a small one bedroom apartment on the lower west side I didn't live with anyone yet but I had a plan, if we win a record deal then I can live pretty well on that for a while.

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