the stage

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I woke up to Kai yelling at Sam. Kai was pissed for some reason and I couldn't be bothered to get into any conversation with either of them but I decided I might as well at least get dressed up and get something to eat.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and my favourite purple hoodie it was trashed with old paint and food stains and smelt of pizza, I went to go talk to one of them but I didn't want to make the issue worse. Kai locked eyes with me and stared me down it was one of her more scary moments she wasn't unhappy to see me but I knew she wanted me to break the tension so I tried to say:

"Wow umm what crazy weather huh?"

Sam looked at me like I ruined the tension in the worst way possible but she just said in a really pissed off tone:

"Yeah..I guess if you consider clouds weather."

I decided just to leave before practice considering we were all going to go to the competition tomorrow, I hoped I could see Ramona again I knew I probably couldn't but I just went anyway and there she was same dress as before Just this time her hair was dark blue like the sea after a terrible storm it was lovely...

I opened the door and ran in I could see her out of the corner of my eye and it was the first time I had ever properly heard her voice it was a soft and tired voice like she was one of those manic pixie dream girls and I loved it. When she did occasionally say something around me. I walked up to her less anxious then last time but still nervous especially since this time she locked eyes with me she looked me down and said:

"Oh you again, how are you?"

I was kinda confused on why she said hello to me first she didn't seem like that kinda person but I said to her:

"Oh umm yeah I'm fine... thanks"

She asked me:

"So I heard your in a band that's umm cool I guess my ex was in a band."

I was also confused on how she knew anything about me especially since she had never been in New York before I was also confused on why she would even bring up an ex, but I looked at her and giggled:

"Heh yeah I am, I'm the bassist I'm shit at it but still I play it"

She looked at me like she had met one of my "types" before a loner type someone that's in the background in her eyes she had already somehow dated me but I knew she hadn't. I grabbed her hand and tried to get her to look back at me she looked at me and quickly took her hand back she said one last thing to me:

"See you tomorrow"

I was obviously a little caught of gaurd but she just completely demolished me in three words, if she had known that it was me that was playing maybe she had known one of my friends or maybe my brother he stayed in Toronto instead of moving his name is Wallace wells.

He's only about three years older then me and I've got his eyes according to most people, but I personally think we're nothing alike.

I still couldn't get Ramona out of my head though I'd be thinking about her forever if I could it's like she opened up my heart again but I decided I might as well sleep so I can see her again tomorrow.

Ramona Flowers X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now