The First Murder

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***a few months later***


   Things had gone perfectly between me and Rose so far. We'd gone out on many dates and she now lived with me. Her soft touch made my place feel so much warmer. I loved coming home to see her small smile as she sat on one of our recently acquired sofas typing away. She'd look up as I entered and smile. I lived to see that smile.
    Today as I walked in she looked up at me curiously.
    "Hey babe" she said as brightly as ever but her eyes seemed to show she couldn't quite get something.
     "What's up princess? Can I help?" I took her hand and rubbed the palm of it admiring how soft it truly was. "What do you need?"
    "It's nothing love..." her voice was soft and quiet and I raised my eyebrows. "Baby don't look like that. I'm not hiding anything from you...I just don't think you can help."
   "How will you ever know if I can help if you don't tell me?" My voice was low as I brought my arms around her.
    "Well I have a deadline this week to finish this chapter but I can't get it right and then my publisher will find someone else's story!"
    "Princess" my eyes find hers and I look into the pale blue that they are "you'll get there. What are you stuck with?"
    "I can't quite work out how the murderer kills the protagonists best friend" she sounded close to tears and I knew she'd been working on this all day. I smiled softly.
   "Let's think princess..." I pretended to be deep in thought for a minute as she looked at me with her gleaming eyes. My fingers trailing up her arm " about the murderer waits in the dead of night...he hides behind a tree in the local forest route he knows she takes with her dog...he bribes the dog over and kills him on an electric fence...she thinks it's an accident and comes over to see if he's okay only to cry over the dogs death..." I can see her typing away frantically now. The idea being exactly the elaborate plan she wanted to add some drama to her work. I've been speaking haltingly still trying to protect my secret identity.
   "Then what happens? How does the best friend die?" She asks her eyes wide with new found hope for this story.
    "The murderer creeps behind her and wraps the electric fence round her neck...he turns it on as he steps away...he watches her convulse nastily on the floor...and then as he sees the life die in her eyes he turns it off and moves the wire...he places the wire delicately near her hands...and everyone thought she copied the dog and died from touching it herself..."
    "Oh my gosh that's perfect baby!" Her hands tap away frantically at the laptop in front of her, putting together the story of the black knifes latest murder.
   Okay no it wasn't the detective's bestfriend that I killed. It was another girl I met on SEARCHED. Rose and her used to be friends but she...well...really hurt Rose. Her search history was all about dogs, one of my alter egos search histories. I knew straight away I'd have to kill the dog too. It was perfect really. No one saw a thing and she had no idea what was coming for her.
   I chuckle darkly and kiss her forehead, smiling quietly as she types away. "I love you princess" I say it quietly but her eyes flick towards me rapidly. She looks surprised but happy.
   "Wait really you've never said that before" she sounded like she was about to cry.
   "Well of course I do princess. You're my world and I love you so much"
   "I-I love you too baby" her arms wrap around me and she pulls me as close as she possibly can. She buries her head firmly in my chest and I can feel the weight of the emotion she feels. I stroke her hair gently. Five months later and I still find her the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I don't think that will ever change.
    Her hair is soft under my fingers and I bury my face into it. Her perfume is intoxicating. It's musky and sweet at the same time and I dread the day I don't get to smell her any more. I kiss her and pull away, still stroking her hair lightly.
   "You finish that and I'll make you some food, does that sound good beautiful?" I say it as softly as I can and she nods wiping her eyes and smiling at me. "I'll be back" I kiss her once more and head towards the kitchen.
    I know what I want to make her, her favourite, Mac and cheese with sausages in it. But I decide on starters too. I make her a nice salad for starters with spring rolls and dipping sauces followed. I lay the table with the best cutlery and tablecloth. I put two candles in the middle of the table. I scatter some confetti around and smile. Finally I make a chocolate pudding and place it in the fridge.
   I return back to her, smiling as I see she's double checking what she's written. She's written her chapter. My princess has done it.
   "I'm proud of you princess" I say and she looks up.
   "I didn't hear you come in. I've done it babe thank you "
   "I know you have. I knew you could do it. Do you want some food darling?" I kiss her gently and take her hand. She smiles.
    "Let me save this and send it off. Two minutes" the look she gives me is pleading and I know it's important to her so I sit down next to her and wait. When she's done, I pull her up gently and kiss her hand. Her smile once again lights up the room and I'm glad that I can bring it out of her.
   I lead her towards the kitchen and as I open the door, I look at her...

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