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When I woke up, he was gone. His absence was significant and it woke me up quicker than I'd ever woken up before. He's never up before me. I wondered where he'd gone.
I got out of bed and went into the bathroom turning on the shower for it to warm up as I sorted out clothes and a towel. The warmth of the shower made all my worries about PJ disappear. It's not like he won't come back. This is his house.
I was midway through getting dressed when the doorbell rang. Who the hell was calling here without letting us know first, I thought briefly?
"Hang on coming!" I shouted hoping they'd be able to hear me. As I finished getting dressed and was towelling my hair, I sprinted downstairs to the front door. I chucked the towel into the washing room and unlocked it.
"Hi I'm guessing you're calling for..." my words were taken from my mouth as I looked up into the face of my ex girlfriend. She was the first person I ever fell in love with and then she...well... left me saying she was into someone else.
I'd been standing mute for a good minute staring into those eyes that I had once loved so much. I shook my head quickly.
"C-Chloe what on Earth are you doing here?" The shock at seeing her again still hadn't worn off.
"Look can you let me in, please?" Her voice brought back so much and I was surprised to find myself not finding those memories as upsetting as I used to.
I opened the door wide enough for her to come in. Her eyes widened at the sight of the house I'd been living in. It was more expensive than anything she'd ever seen me in before. I used to live in a one bedroom flat when she knew me!
"I haven't seen you in ages, Rose. You never visit Amy either. She always has to come to you. What's going on?"
"I've been busy." My answer was short and not really accurate. I've been avoiding everyone because I didn't want to see her. Chloe is Amy's best friend and while I love my sister I couldn't stand seeing Chloe.
"Your mum wants you to come for a dinner. She wants you to bring your new boy toy too."
Boy toy?! Who does she think she is? Then I saw the smirk on her face and I realised she was trying to wind me up. I started laughing.
"'My boy toy. If that's jealousy I hear, you broke up with me remember?"
Her face cracked into a smile as she replied to me. "No jealousy here still trying to get your sister to finally date me?"
She noticed the surprise in my face as she said this. "Wait seriously Rose you never realised it was your sister I wanted to date? You never saw the way I flirted with her. That I realised I dated you because you reminded me of her."
"No no I did not!" The anger at the fact she wanted my sister was impossible to suppress. "Honestly did you really just never have actual feelings for me? Was it all just a game to you?"
"Rose please don't be mad." She pleaded with me. "I just want you to know that I didn't know this when we first started dating. She won't date me anyway not unless you say it's okay..."
"Well I'm not fucking going to say that am I? What you gonna fucking break her heart too?"
"Rose, Amy can watch out for herself you know that. Please give her your blessing. I'm in love with her. And you're in love with PJ. Can't you let me be as happy as you are now?"
"God do you have to always analyse everything like that? It's not about making you happy. It's about my sister and making sure she's happy and not going to be hurt. So grow up and get out of my house."
"Firstly Rose my job is to analyse things. I'm a detective. Secondly, I will not hurt your sister I'm in love with her."
"Get. Out. My. House." I was fuming. How dare she?
I heard the door open and someone enter the room. I spun round to see PJ standing there, looking confused.
"Hey princess what's going on?" He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I felt my anger disappear rapidly.
"Nothing much babe. This is my ex Chloe. She's just leaving." The look I gave Chloe at that point was pointed and I saw her face harden.
"Yep I'm just leaving" and she left slamming the door as she did. I fully relaxed, turning into PJ and burying my head into him. I inhaled his smell.
"Where were you this morning baby? You're never out that early."
"I had business dealings. More importantly what was all that about?"
"She was asking if she could date my sister. Like I'd let her do that. I am not allowing her to fuck my sister over like she fucked me over."
"Princess your sister can make her own decisions. You know that. Have you thought about whether it will make her happy? Do the right thing okay. If Chloe loves Amy, then let them be happy."
I buried my head deeper into his chest. His arms tightened around me. "Why do you have to make sense? I'm scared for Amy though. But I guess it makes sense. I should let her move on like I have."
"Good, Princess! I need to have a shower. I had a busy morning. I don't suppose you could get me a cup of tea and some toast."
That brought a chuckle out of me. He usually had that ready for me as I left the shower. I nodded into his chest, reluctant to pull away. He brought this calm to me that no one else managed to bring. Despite this, he still backed away gently, allowing his fingertips to trail against my skin. He smiled at me before turning around to head to the shower.
I went the other way, grabbing my phone as I did. Whilst the kettle was boiling and the toast was in the toaster I sent two texts.
"Hi I'm sorry about
flying off the handle
earlier. You've got my
blessing. Look after her"
Then I opened a thread that was more regularly used.
"Hey sis sorry about being
so low-key recently. Chloe
came and saw me today. She
told me she was in love with
you and asked for my blessing.
You've got it. Look after yourself.
Tell mum I'll be over soon. Xx"
And I waited for the replies....

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