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Darcy's Pov: 

   The day that I get to see the boys had finally come. I just finished my classes for the day and now I was walking across campus to get to my car. It was a Friday and I was picking up the boys from the airport, which made it an even better day. Spring break had finally come and now I could look forward to spending some time with the boys than flying to Florida.

   I was pulling into the airport parking lot and I started to get nervous all of the sudden. I got out of the car and took a deep breath before walking into the airport's doors. I kept telling myself that everything would work out like Kassi said it would, Harry wouldn't completely forget about me. I saw a blonde haired boy and then heard screams and I knew exactly where they were in the airport. I picked a spot near the front door and waited. They made it through the group of fans that had shown up and they were trying to make their way towards me now. Louis waved his arms at me and I waved back, he then nudged Harry and all of my worries went away. The look in his eyes, the pure happiness when he saw that I was there made me believe Kassi at that moment. I believed that he actually cared about me, even if it was just as a friend. He locked eyes with me and we didn't break eye contact until Liam and Niall bombarded me with a hug. I hugged them back and then got picked up by Louis, which made me laugh uncontrollably and blush at the same time. Luckily Zayn came to my rescue and hit Louis on the head before giving me a warm hug. Harry was at the back, just watching the events that were unfolding around him with his hands in his pockets. He had a small smile on his face and I started walking towards him. He opened his arms when I got closer and I couldn't help but walk at a faster pace. We were only inches apart and he linked his arms around my back and picked me up. I didn't protest this time but just let him do it, because I had never felt like more of a princess than right there in his arms. It felt right, like I was finally home again. I buried my face into his neck and held back the tears as he quietly whispered, "I've been waiting to do this for two weeks."

Harry's Pov: 

   So many emotions were running through my head when I saw her standing there in the airport. I waited for all of the boys to hug her and then did exactly what I had wanted to do for weeks, I held her as close to me for as long as possible. After finally letting her go and making it through the paparazzi that was at the airport we got into Darcy's car and decided to stop by my house and say hi to a few family friends that were there. Darcy claimed that she wasn't properly dressed to meet any relatives but we all convinced her that what she was wearing was more than fine. I wanted so badly to tell her that she doesn't need to try to impress anyone, that she does that without even knowing but I stopped myself when Niall started telling her about our trip.

   We had been at my house for about an hour and everyone seemed like they were having a great time. All of the boys were relaxed and eager to begin their holidays and Darcy fit right in with all of my friends and family. I was expecting her to be shy but she just acted like herself, and that was enough to win everyone over. She was perfect and I think my mom liked her right away, seeing as they haven't left the spot they were sitting for hours. I walked over to them and put an arm on the back of Darcy's chair, "How is it going over here ladies?"

"Just great Harry! Why have you been hiding this lovely girl from me son?"  Darcy and Anne laughed while I just looked from mom to Darcy and admired how radiant she looked and how truly happy they both were. It made me happy to see her enjoying herself and mom seemed to love her right away.

"I was just telling your mom how I am here for nursing school and I happened to bump into Liam and he introduced me to you and the rest of the boys."   Darcy smiled at me and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Isn't that nice. Some things happen for a reason, I'm a big believer in that."  My mom gave me a knowing smile, and I knew she would want to talk about Darcy with me later.

"I don't believe Darcy particularly liked me when we first met, I think I came off a bit too strong."  I smiled at Darcy knowing that our first meeting was slightly strange. Darcy giggled but gave a slight nod, agreeing with me.

   My mom grabbed Darcy's hand and said, "Yeah well, Harry has always been that way. He used to chase away my boyfriends."  Now it was my turn to blush. They both laughed loudly and when Darcy finally sobered up she said, "No, I'm only kidding. He was a perfect gentleman, but I could tell he was trying too hard to hit on me. He knows now that I don't fall for those tricks."  And I was perfectly content just looking down into her eyes and smiling, but there was a part of me that wanted to kiss her and let everyone know my feelings.

   It was a while before the house was completely empty and it was almost dinner time when it was just my family, the boys, and Darcy left in the house. We all sat down and had dinner and helped clean up the house from the party. The rest of the boys were in the living room watching a  football game and Darcy and my mom were in the kitchen washing dishes. I watched from the kitchen door as Darcy laughed with my mom when they accidentally sprayed water all over each other. All I could do was smile at how hard I was falling for this girl, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something cold and wet hit my chest. I looked down and saw there was soapy water soaking my shirt, when I looked back up I saw that Darcy had a big smile on her face and my mom was laughing so hard that she was crying. Before I could say anything or get mad Darcy ran through the kitchen but stopped to give me a kiss on the cheek before she left with a giggle, "I will let you have some time with your mom now."

   I helped mom with drying and she told me the advice that you only get from your mom. "She's a nice one Harry, I hope you keep her around."   

"Mum, I only hope that she will stay around. I'm sure being this far away from her family is hard, I just hope she stays long enough for me to tell her how I really feel."   

"That's my boy, I told you things happen for a reason. People break up so that others can be together and sometimes you get hurt so that someone can be there to put you back together. Just from talking to her today, I can tell she's starting to let you in. Now you just have to make sure you never hurt her. She's a once in a lifetime girl Harry, just be careful."   

"I will Mum, I'm not letting this one slip through my fingers."  I kissed my mom on the cheek and finished drying dishes before we started to say goodbye. With a few hugs and kisses we were out the door and on the way to Darcy's flat.

   As soon as we got home Darcy went to go change and the boys grabbed their duffel bags from the car and changed into anything that was clean and comfortable. We all decided on the car ride home to crash at Darcy's since we were all too tired to do anything else. Kassi joined us in the living room and we set out sleeping bags and blankets across the room to fit us all. That night we stayed up late watching movies and talking by the fire, I learned even more about Darcy and I got to fall asleep with her for the first time in weeks. I got one of the best sleeps of my life that night, and maybe it was the result of jet lag, but I have a feeling it was because I had Darcy back in my arms. I felt warm and complete, and when I woke up early the next morning I was more than happy to snuggle back into the comforter with her and fall asleep again. Going away on tour was all worth it as long as I got to come home and spend time with her. It was all worth it when it came to Darcy.

   I know that if anyone were to ask me if I could pinpoint a certain time that I fell in love with Darcy, I would tell them those days. Those few days that were filled with so much laughter and love.

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