Chapter 3

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'None!! I mean NONE gets to hurt Romeo!!!' I thought angryly knowing just what I'm going to do.


Flora POV

I practically ran towards Twilight Orge. I'm so ANGRY, They are going to pay so bad. I have had enough of these idiots treating my guild, my family like shit and this was the last straw.

I stormed in to Twilight Orge's guild and knocked out anybody who got in my way. I entered there Masters office to find him alone, I stood there as he demanded to know why I was there.

"It is quite simple. You are going to clear all debts fairytail has with you and leave them alone" I replied deadly serious which caused him to laugh.

"Why would I care about a pathetic threat from a small little girl?" He asked ignorantly.

"because otherwise someone will get seriously hurt" I reply emotionlessly.

"Who said I care if you get hurt?." He asks stupidly

"I'm not talking about myself." I say as venom drips from my voice, a powerful yet deadly aura wrapped around me.

In mere seconds I appear closer to him with a long sword that was against his neck. I could practicly smell the fear on him.

I state emotionlessly "Now, Are you going to co-operate with me or is this going to get a little messy because I don't fancy getting my hands dirty?"

"I-I-I w-will s-s-stay away from f-f-fairytail" He says completely frightened

I laugh sinisterly before taking the sword away from him, and saying "Good and you better. Just because I don't feel like getting my hands dirty doesn't mean I won't." I then leave the building and calmly walk back to the guild to give them the good news.

I walked into the guild to see everybody go silent, ignoring them I walked over to Macao. Macao looked at me before saying "What happened?"

"Lets just say they aren't going to be bothering this guild ever again." I say while giving him a innocent smile. I look at the person next to Macao to see it was that short white haired man again. 

The man smiles at me warmly before sticking his hand out and saying "Hello. We haven't met I'm Makarov"

I shake his hand and say "It is nice to meet you Makki. I'm Flora." Hearing the nickname Makarov smile widens visable.

I turn around to see everyone was listening and watching us, I rolled my eyes seeing this before turning towards the bar and getting another vanilla and carimel milkshake before sitting down at one of the bar seat. The refreshing peace and quite was then destroyed by a blonde brown eyed girl who asked if I was new or something but after sometime talking to her I realized she wasn't actually annoying (I may have still been a little angry/grumpy).

After finish talking to the girl that was called Lucy, I walked away to seat on a table and over hear Romeo trying to talk about the GMG only to be stopped by his dad to then be told to carry on talking by Makki. Romeo explained the idiotic Great Magic Games and about the winners reward and the idea of the games (Money) made Makki decide we will be entering. 

"We have 3 months to train before the games. There for I want everyone who is thinking of joining to pack. You can go withother people if you want to." Makki says loudly so everyone could hear. Everyone nods before despersing

"Hey! Flora!" I heard behind me to see Natsu and Lucy they come over and say "You are coming with us to train!."

As I realized what they said out of pure shock I shout "HUHHH!??"

A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have decided that I won't show her magic infront of her guild until the GMG

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