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Life gives you roles,
To play by the rules,
When everyone went by it ,
Why I couldn't.
I was a lost in a world ,
Which doesn't exist.
Reality in my eyes,
My mind pushing them apart.
I deepened my thoughts
To see an illusion,
I hid myself ,
Cause people didn't believe.
They said I'm no good,
They said I'm a loser.
Its hard to not think about,
What is reality then ?
And it's my dream.
I see a vision
Which is forbidden,
I don't want to compete
In this rat race,
I want to be
Where I want to be .
I want to achieve my dream.

If you can dream it , you can do it.
                                  - walt Disney

I may fall down and get hurt, but I'll run towards my dream endlessly.
                             - young forever, bts

Dream it , then make it happen.
                                     - anonymus

Each dream you leave behind is a part of your big future that will no longer exist .                
              - Steve jobs

Do you have a dream ? Yes/no
What is dream meant to you ?

Thoughts are appreciated.

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