Through His Skull

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Taehyun kept Yuna down as she seized, ordering Jin to help him in making sure she wouldn't hurt herself. Jungkook was too scared, he wanted to hold onto Yoongi- but he wasn't there. Jungkook ran off towards where Jimin was asleep, and laid down next to him, unshed tears in his eyes.

"Jimin hyung." He shook his shoulder, his hands shaking. Why was he shaking?

"H-hyung." Jungkook shook him again, hearing yells from across the house. Jimin wasn't up. "J-Jimin hyung!" He yelled and gave Jimin a harsh shove, which normally woke him up.

He didn't wake up.

Jungkook scoffed and tugged on Jimin's arm, when it felt as cold as ice. His arm was pale too, more than normal. The color of his skin was getting much better after Taehyung made him eat, he was getting better.

Why was he so cold?

"Jimin hyung!" Jungkook yelled out again, the tears in his eyes finally pouring out from his eyes. "Wake up, Kwon and Changmin hyung found someone!" He pulled Jimin off of his sleeping bag, which would always wake him up.

How was he still sleeping?!

"Jimin!" Jungkook pulled his arm again, but Jimin still remained asleep and still. He turned Jimin over onto his back and looked at him to wake him up, but his heart stopped when he could see the veins in Jimin's face bulging through his skin. His face was red and his lips were blue.

"JIMIN HYUNG!" Jungkook screamed in a panic, placing two fingers on Jimin's wrist for a pulse. Nothing. "HYUNG!" He shoved Jimin harshly again, and opened Jimin's mouth and looking inside just in case he was choking and was suffocating on something. Nothing.

"T-TAEHYUN!" Jungkook scrambled up and ran back to where everyone was, to see Yuna sitting up and coughing lightly with Jin's hand on her back. "TAEHYUN!" He ran over to Taehyun and grabbed his arm, yanking him away from Yuna and Jin. "Hyung what's-" "J-JIMIN HYUNG'S HURT!" Jungkook dragged Taehyun into their sleeping room, causing Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok to immediately run after him.

The second Taehyun saw Jimin closely, he knew what was wrong and his heart dropped in his chest. Jungkook clung to Jin in fear of what was wrong with Jimin, but Taehyun was just sitting there next to Jimin looking at him.

Seulong picked up quickly as well, based off of what Taehyun was doing. Or, what he wasn't doing.

"T-Taehyun help him!" Jungkook cried out, and Hoseok was trying to figure out what was going on.

"Oh my god..." Seulong placed a hand over his mouth. "What?" Taehyung looked over at Seulong, when Taehyun started to cry. "I-I can't..." Taehyung placed two fingers on Jimin's cold neck to find a pulse, but there was nothing.

He knew he only had minutes to do something, but Taehyun couldn't move. Jimin's skin was turning a light gray from being so incredibly pale, and it took that for it to click to Kwon and Soobin.

Soon enough, it clicked for everyone.

Yeonjun took Jin into a hug from behind, very cautious, and Seulong held Taehyung's hand tightly. "T-Taehyun d-do something!" Jungkook yelled, new tears rolling over the old ones that had left a dried trail on his pink cheeks. Taehyun hugged himself tightly and shook his head.

There was really nothing he could do.

Jungkook screamed at Taehyun for him to do something, to help Jimin, but Jin had already accepted it- he was holding onto Yeonjun tightly, turned away from the scene and crying onto his shoulder. Hoseok fell to the floor shaking his head and chanting "no", with Hueningkai and Beomgyu holding him in a secure hug. Jungkook ripped his hand from Jin's, and threw his arms around yelling for Taehyun to do something, anything.

Yeonjun kept Jin facing away from Jimin, Hoseok facing the ground and Jungkook's eyes unfocused. He reached behind him and took out his gun, sniffling with tears running down his face. He didn't want to do it, but no one was doing anything- and their time was extremely limited.

Jimin groaned and started to move, which made Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai back up a little, moving Hoseok gently. Jungkook was on the verge of a panic attack, Taehyun wasn't doing anything and Jimin was looking like he was dying! He had to help him! Now!

Yeonjun saw his gun had bullets inside, and angeled himself to the left to make sure he wouldn't hurt Taehyun. His hand was shaking, and Kwon saw what he was thinking of doing. Jin's legs were shaking against Yeonjun, they were about to give out.

"Taehyun, m-move." Yeonjun choked out, sniffling so he would stop crying to see properly. Taehyun turned around, saw the gun aimed to Jimin, and realized what he was going to do. He moved away, closer to Jungkook as Jimin moved his arms, groaning in pain.

Jimin's eyes opened, and they were bloodshot with his pupils so small Taehyun couldn't see them.

"Wait, w-what are you d-doing?" Taehyung asked Yeonjun, his heart speeding up and skipping multiple beats. "I-I'm sorry." Yeonjun closed his eyes.

And pulled the trigger.

Hueningkai covered his ears, Taehyun backed up against the wall, and Taehyung screamed in horror. Jimin stopped moving as blood leaked out from his head, a small hole in the side of his skull. Hoseok jumped at the sound, and screamed into Beomgyu's shirt. He knew what had just happened.

"W-WHAT THE HELL?!" Jungkook screamed and fell to the floor, pulling at his hair as Changmin turned around away from Jimin. Jin flinched at the extremely loud bang, his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear anything.

Taehyung just started in horror at Jimin's dead body, his mouth agape in shock and occasionally making small squeaks as he couldn't breathe normally. He just stood there, his face red and hands shaking near his chest, his tears had stopped at what had just happened.

Yeonjun dropped his gun from his hands shaking terribly, burying his face in Jin's neck. Once Jin could hear again, he heard everyone crying and Jungkook occasionally yell.

What was going on?

Jin turned around away from Yeonjun, saw his gun on the floor and a bullet hole in Jimin's head. He wasn't moving, and blood from his head was staining the sleeping bag and wooden floor.

Did Yeonjun shoot Jimin?!

Jin connected the dots. WHY DID HE DO THAT?! THAT WASN'T FOR HIM TO DO!

Jin grabbed Yeonjun and punched him in the face, sending him to the floor and Soobin to gasp and stand up quickly. Jin cried and picked up Yeonjun, holding him in a choke hold and kneeing him in the stomach roughly. Yeonjun choked on air and coughed in pain, crying from what had happened and the pain Jin was causing.

"H-hey!" Kwon yelled and ran over, but Jin grabbed his gun from his side pocket. "Jin-" "THAT WASN'T FOR HIM TO DO!" Jin screamed at him, and Hueningkai looked up at him with pure fear in his eyes. "Jin...hyung." Beomgyu stood up protectively when Jin put his gun to Yeonjun's head. "He d-didn't even F*CKING CARE!" Jin hit Yeonjun in the side of his head with his gun, making Yeonjun's ears ring. Jungkook sobbed on the floor, not caring how loud or ugly he looked.

Jimin...was gone...

"P-put it down, J-Jin hyung..." Beomgyu took a step towards Jin. "It wasn't for him to do." Jin cried and closed his eyes for a second.

"Give him back."

Jin sobbed into Yeonjun's shoulder, and Beomgyu took that chance to disarm Jin. He grabbed his wrist and tried to take his gun, but Jin's finger was on the trigger.

And he pulled it.

Everyone, including Jin, stared in horror as Beomgyu fell to the floor lifelessly, his jaw dislocated and his skull open wide for his brain to be seen blown by the bullet in Jin's gun, that had traveled up his throat and straight through his skull.

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