Titan and the Benetar

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Thanos stepped through the portal and disappeared. They had lost. Tony glanced around, checking to see if everyone was okay. Mainly Peter though. The kid had bounded over to help him up, and now stood a few feet behind him.

"Did we just lose?" Quill voiced Tony's thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." Tony replied, feeling as if something was crushing his chest. Or maybe that was the stab wound that was still oozing blood.

Just then, a small gasp was elicited from bug lady. Was her name Mantis? He couldn't remember, but he wished he did as she dissolved in front of their eyes. He looked around. Big gray dude, A.K.A Drax, was quickly disappearing too.

"Quill?" He uttered only one word before he was gone with the wind.

"Steady, Quill," Tony muttered as Quill's hands started to go. Soon, most of the Guardians of the Galaxy were gone.

"Tony." Tony spun toward Strange.

"It was the only way." His tone was beyond solemn. Then the doctor was gone, too.

"Mr. Stark," Tony turned around slowly, expecting to find Peter crumbling to dust in front his eyes. The kid was just standing there, staring at the spot Strange had just been.

"Hey, Pete, look at me," Tony said. The kid dragged terrified eyes up to look at him. He stumbled forward, and Tony moved forward, too, wrapping his arms around the kid, one hand cradling the back of his head. Peter clung to him, almost desperately.

"Peter, are you okay? Do you feel alright?" When he didn't answer right away, Tony tried to pull back, but Peter seemed to realize what he was asking.

"Y-yeah. Yeah. I'm okay." There was a slight tremor in his voice, but that was to be expected when you had just watched four people literally crumble into dust.

"Okay. We're okay. Everything's going to be fine." He rubbed Peter's back a bit and wiped tears off the kid's face. "Let's see what we can do about our...situation, now." He would've said more, but was interrupted by another voice.

"He did it." A blue robot lady stood a couple yards away. She was looking out at the destruction of Titan.

"Did what?" Peter piped up.

"Thanos. He snapped, and destroyed half of all life in the galaxy."

"Half? How did he not realize how much damage that will cause?" Tony asked.

"He did it for peace. His planet, this planet, was over populated, and he wanted to solve that problem around the universe," Blue Lady informed them. "I crashed Quill's ship to get here, but it should be intact. We could escape on it."

Tony didn't exactly trust the half-robot alien in front of them, but it was really their only option. The whole planet they were on was decimated, and the only way to possibly reverse the snap was to get back to Earth.

"If only that wizard guy were still here, he could just do that yellow sparkly thing and get us out of here." Peter said, possibly sarcastically, but Tony wasn't sure.

"Great observation, Pete. But kinda useless. I mean, he's a little bit dead." Tony decided Peter was being sarcastic, and joined in, matching Peter's tone.

"The ship is this way," Blue Meanie interrupted. They followed her over a crest to a beat up spacecraft Tony hadn't noticed before.


Somehow, Peter and Tony figured out how to get the ship up and running. It wasn't like it was broken per say, but it wasn't exactly in tip-top condition. It was complicated, and they couldn't figure out most of the controls. The one thing they did figure out was that there wasn't nearly enough fuel to get them back to Earth.

Infinity War AU-Peter survives the snapWhere stories live. Discover now