Earth and Vormir

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Tony woke feeling disoriented and a bit sick. He forced his eyes open and was met with the bright white of a hospital ceiling. Fluorescent lights glared down at him from every angle, only increasing the headache forming behind his eyes. He groaned and tried his hardest to remember what had happened. It took him a minute, but finally everything came back. Titan, the Benetar, the glowing lady. Peter. Peter-

He bolted upright, not caring how hard it was to stay awake, just needing to see his kid. What if something had happened, and Peter wasn't okay, because he definitely hadn't been okay on the ship when he was cradled in Tony's arms- His breathing as been slowing down, pulse beating only faintly against Tony's fingers as he struggled to live.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're alright!" A voice came from his left, and he turned to see who it was. He hadn't even registered someone else was in the room with him.

"Where's Peter?!" He demanded, trying to get up and out of bed. He was nearly able to pull out the IV hooked in his arm, but Rhodey pushed him back down.

"He's fine. He's in his room only a couple doors down from here, but you can't see him until you're better. Cho says it's about a day before you can get up."

"No, Rhodey, I have to see him-he wasn't okay on the ship-"

"I know, Tones. But now he's doing a lot better. It's only been around twelve hours since you got back, and he's improved a lot. He'll probably wake up soon."

"Wait, he hasn't woken up yet?" The billionaire's tone was almost frantic.

"No, but it hasn't been that long. Tony, you have to calm down or Bruce is gonna give you more sedatives. Once you wake up next you can go to the kid's room."

"I need to see him. I need him. Rhodey, you gotta get me out of this bed, I don't even care if I have to use a wheelchair, just-"

"Okay. Okay, Tony, I'll take you but if you get in trouble with the doctors it's not my fault. Personally, I think you'll be fine, but you did look terrible on that ship. Gave us all a scare."

Until that moment, Tony had forgotten completely about the snap and it's victims. "Who's 'us all?'"

Rhodey hesitated, almost looking scared to answer. "The only ones left are you, the kid, Steve, Nat, Thor, Wong, Bruce, Nebula, Happy, and Rocket. Clint is MIA, and Carol, she's the one who brought you guys back."

Tony didn't really hear that last comment. Just thinking about the list. All the original Avengers, plus Rhodey and Peter were the only superheros left. Their numbers had been halved, and he felt like barely anyone survived. "Rhodey, Pepper didn't-" he stopped. Did he really want to know this?

"She's gone. I'm sorry, Tony. We may have a chance at getting everybody back, though. Steve and Nat want to debrief everybody once we regroup."

The words faded for Tony. Pepper, gone? Just like that? He hadn't even gotten to say goodbye. "Rhodes-"

"It's okay. It's going to be fine. We'll bring them back. Let's go see your kid."

Normally Tony would've protested that no, Peter wasn't his kid, but now he realized that he did see him that way. The kid was like a son to him. Tony nodded numbly as Rhodey grabbed his arm to help him up, smiling sadly. They walked (half limped, whatever) down the hallway and Tony pushed the door open, almost freezing at the sight in the room.

Peter lay in a bed identical to his, completely still. The sheets were tucked around him, seemingly drowning his small body. He was hooked up to some monitors and IVs, though, and looked a bit less pale. He didn't have that horrible grey complexion anymore. Tony moved to his side, one shaky hand coming up to cup his warm cheek. That moment confirmed everything. How his kid was alive. How they had made it, survived space. How the snap had actually happened, and now half the population of the galaxy was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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