Merrick Balton (#1)

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Title: Picnic

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Title: Picnic

Character: Merrick Balton X Reader 

Point of View: Reader


Word Count: 1,222

Warnings: N/A

Request: Going on a picnic, just the two of you, but, an Org comes out of nowhere and snatches you away, so, Merrick is a freaking mess while trying to find you, because he likes you, but doesn't really understand how much, or why... Till the end, at least.

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Merrick covered my eyes as he led me through the grass. He had told me had a surprise for me and I was kind of nervous about it. He had told me he had been planning something for the two of us to do together all week.

It had been so long since we had gotten to hang out together alone, so whatever Merrick had planned here felt special. When we came to a halt, my stomach fluttered.

"I really hope you like this," I could tell Merrick was smiling even without looking at him, "I spent all morning making sure it was perfect."

"I can't wait to see." I giggled.

Merrick gently pulled his hand away from my eyes and my vision focused in front of me. In the grass laid out a blanket, a basket, and his flute. He always knew I loved to hear him play. He had planned out a nice little picnic for us and I was so happy about it.

I turned to face him so that he could see the wide smile on my face and my blushing cheeks.

"Do you like it?" he asked me.

"I love it," I told him, "You know I love picnics."

"Let's sit down." he suggested.

I crossed my legs as I sat down, watching him open the picnic basket and pulling out some food. He set out some of my favorite fruit and I wasted no time starting to pick at it while we talked.

One of the first things we had started talking about was how busy he had been helping the other Rangers take down the Orgs. They had been appearing more often and no one was sure why. We all kind of assumed it was a distraction from something bigger, but we hadn't quite figured out what that was yet.

It felt like we had been talking for hours and I enjoyed every single moment of it. Merrick and I had always been close and any time I got to spend with him was the greatest.

Our picnic had been going well until we both hear something in the distance. We silenced our conversation and tried to focus on the noise. Merrick said he didn't hear it the second time, but I did - and it gave me a bad feeling. Merrick said I was being paranoid because of all the Org attacks recently.

"Will you please at least go check?" I asked, looking right at Merrick.

"Fine, for you." he stood up, "I'm pretty sure it's nothing."

I watched as he walked through the grass and over to the treeline that we were closest to. He looked around for a few seconds and I even saw him shrug. Maybe I was being paranoid right now, but I still had a bad feeling about it. Merrick turned around and when he did, his eyes went wide. That confused me.

"(Y/N), WATCH OUT!" He shouted.

Watch out? I turned around and gasped as an Org grabbed a hold of my arm and jerked me up. Before I could even scream, we were suddenly transported to somewhere I didn't recognize. From the piles of pallets and boxes, it could have been a warehouse of some sort.

My heart was racing as I started pulling away from the Org. The Org had come out of nowhere and somehow managed to grab me. This felt unreal - as it was my first direct encounter with an Org.

I didn't know what to do or where to run too. My voice felt like it was caught in my throat and nothing was really processing. I could see the Org's mouth moving, but I couldn't hear a word it was saying. Things were blurry for a second but my vision refocused on the Org coming towards me.

I turned around and started to run away - not really sure where I was going. I knew the Org was right behind me and there really was nowhere for me to hide. I didn't know what to do but when I reached the wall, running out of room to run... I knew I was in trouble.

The Org backed me right up against the wall. I felt sweat drip down my forehead as I mentally panicked about what to do. I didn't know what to do since this was my first encounter with an Org. The only hope I had for anything, was the fact that Merrick saw it take me. He knew I was in trouble and I knew he would gather the rangers and they would come looking for me. Now, it was just a matter of how long it was going to take for them to find me.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, I heard shouting behind the Org. The Rangers had responded quickly and were already there, ready to protect me from the Org.

I jumped when a pair of hands touched my arms after the Org had headed for the Rangers.

"It's just me, (Y/N). I'm going to get you out of here." Merrick's voice relieved me.

"The Org came out of nowhere..." I shook my head, worry written all over my face and body.

"I know and the Rangers are going to take care of. Let's get you out of the danger zone. Come one." Merrick grabbed my hand and started pulling me along with him.

He seemed to be able to navigate through the warehouse with ease. Almost like he had been there before. We were outside and far away from the danger before I even knew it. Merrick held onto my arm as I partially leaned on him, trying to catch my breath.

"T-Thank you." I muttered in between breaths.

"I'm never going to let anything happen to you. I'm sorry I let the Org grab you today." he looked at me.

"You couldn't have known it was going to do that." I shook my head.

"Are you okay? Did it hurt you?" he asked.

"No, just chased me and then you guys showed up." I told him.

"I'm glad you are okay." i could see his eyes wandering over me.

"I was so worried about you." he told me.

"You were?" I asked.

Of course he was. He was my best-friend after all. He looked down at me and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I could see that he was blushing and I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach while standing there with him. I had like him for a long time and my emotions were so confused right now that they settled on the feelings I had for him to block out feeling scared. Something was telling me he felt the same, but we had never admitted anything to each other.

"If something worse would have happened to you, I would have never forgiven myself." Merrick said.

"I'm fine, I promise." I tried to reassure him.

"I should go help the others..." he told me, "But I don't want to leave your side."

"Don't," I looked at him, "Please."

"I'm not going anywhere." he smiled at me, cupping my cheek.

"I love you Merrick, you know that right?" I asked, placing my hand on top of his.

"I know you do." he smiled, "You know I love you too, right?"

I smiled back, nodding at him. 

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